A conscientous, fun-loving designer to join us in our heavy critical design discussions that are followed up by putting together an experimental (mostly) anything goes online design magazine!
email us: projektadocollective@gmail.com
Have you seen this person?
“We are faced with arrogant landlords who act as colonial governors and think they’re free to take murals off our walls,”
he wrote.
“The only thing left to do is making these paintings disappear, to snatch them from those claws, to make hoarding impossible.”
In 2016, anonymous street artist BLU removed 20 years worth of murals – in an act of defiance against a street art exhibition in Bologna, Italy that removed pieces of graffiti and placed them inside museum walls.

Impressões Suburbanas is an Instagram profile that investigates the anonymous architecture of suburbs and peripheries of Rio de Janeiro. Its aim is to validate this type of construction as part of the cultural landscape of the city.
Impressões Suburbanas é um perfil no Instagram que investiga a arquitetura anônima dos subúrbios e periferias do Rio, com o objetivo de validá-la como parte da paisagem cultural.
CHEAP Festival
Defining themselves as a public art project, CHEAP is a collective that commonly uses the spaces in urban environments that is designated for advertising, to put up posters that spotlight political and social issues near and dear to them – and those of their partnering artists and associations.
Tehran Carnival
An Art collective from Tehran known for their thought-provoking installations. Their work revolves around engaging the public in various art scenes as a means of transforming the city space.
Adam Harvey
Stealth Wear – Anti Drone Fashion
The original anti-fashion statement, that’s not shouting ‘look at me, look at me’ but offering you back your privacy.
The range is inspired by traditional Islamic dress – a context more familiar to lurking mechanical avian spys.
They aren’t available to purchase, but instructions on how to make them are shared.
ps. the image is a link. they all are.
Roland Barthes
The Death of The Author
“As soon as a fact is narrated no longer with a view to acting directly on reality but intransitively, that is to say, finally outside of any function other than that of the very practice of the symbol itself, this disconnection occurs, the voice loses its origin, the author enters into his own death, writing begins.”
COVID / 1984 / Surveillance Capitalism
99% Invisible City
A field guide to hidden world of everyday design.
Museum of The Ordinary
30 streets in Manhattan blocked off to create the ‘Museum of The Ordinary’ with labels attached to existing urban street ornaments and infrastructure for the unknowing passerby to suddenly acknowledge the mundane as a important artefacts.
Included (but not limited to):
– a fire hydrant
– a manhole cover
– street signs