(track: 'soundtrack', 'loop', true)(track: 'soundtrack', 'playwhenpossible')<span style="font-size: 54px">Welcome to The Good, the Bad and the Anonymous!</span>
{(replace: ?messages)[initializing workstation...]
(live: 1s)[
(replace: ?messages)[a decision making game about design, morals and identity.]
](live: 5s)[
(replace: ?messages)[what will your future hold?]
{(set: $day to 1)}(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')(print: "<script>BAR.updateWellbeingBar(" + (text: $maxWellbeing) + "," + (text: $wellbeing) + ");")
(print: "<script>BAR.updateAnonymityBar(" + (text: $maxAnonymity) + "," + (text: $anonymity) + ");")
(print: "<script>BAR.updateMoralsBar(" + (text: $maxMorals) + "," + (text: $morals) + ");")
{(if: $anonymity >= 70)[(set: $anonymity to 70)](if: $anonymity < 1)[(set: $anonymity to 0)](if: $morals >= 100)[(set: $morals to 100)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)](if: $morals < 30)[(set: $wellbeing to it -10)](if: $morals < 1)[(set: $morals to 2)(goto: "EndMorals")](if: $wellbeing >= 100)[(set: $wellbeing to 100)](if: $wellbeing < 1)[(set: $wellbeing to 2)(set: $morals to 40)(goto: "EndWellbeing")]}{
(set: $studioname to "DATM")
(set: $rent to 0)
(set: $day to 1)
(set: $maxWellbeing to 100)
(set: $wellbeing to 60)
(set: $maxAnonymity to 70)
(set: $anonymity to 40)
(set: $maxMorals to 100)
(set: $morals to 50)
(set: $overtimecards to (either: (a: "OC1", "OC2", "OC3", "OC4")))
(set: $lifecards to (either: (a: "LC1", "LC2", "LC3", "LC4", "LC5", "LC6", "LC7")))
(set: $taskcards to (either: (a: "TC1", "TC2", "TC3", "TC4", "TC5", "TC6", "TC7", "TC8")))
(set: $friendcards to (either: (a: "FT1", "FT2", "FT3", "FT4", "FT5", "FT6")))
(set: $fgoodcards to (either: (a: "FG1", "FG2", "FG3", "FG4")))
(set: $fbadcards to (either: (a: "FB1", "FB2", "FB3")))
(set: $clientcards to (either: (a: "CC1", "CC2", "CC3", "CC4", "CC5", "CC6")))
(set: $goodcards to (either: (a: "GC1", "GC2", "GC3", "GC4")))
(set: $badcards to (either: (a: "BC1", "BC2", "BC3")))}{(live: 5s)[(track: 'Intro2', 'play')(stop: )]}(display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Friend-1-Mirrored.png" alt="Friend1" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Heeeey!! It's so good to be finally done with this! How's the crowd treating you?
Listen, I wanted to ask you something, I haven't really been able to find much on the job front, so I've been thinking a lot about what to do next and I'm convinced that starting an independent studio could be the way to go! Fuck these big companies right?
So I already spoke to Ali that apparently is going to stick around a while longer instead of moving back home, and I wanted to see if you might also be interested in joining us...
-You feel your phone buzzing-
[[Check your phone->I1]]StandardButton: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/StandardButton.mp3
soundtrack: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Rolemusic-Soundtrack-Playlist.mp3
email: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/456965__funwithsound__short-success-sound-glockenspiel-treasure-video-game.mp3
BC3: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/BC3.mp3
OC2: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/OC2.mp3
TC1: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/TC1.mp3
LW20: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LW20.mp3
F35: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/F35.mp3
LW24: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LW24.mp3
LW14: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LW14.mp3
LC5: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LC5.mp3
LC2: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LC2.mp3
FB2: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/FB2.mp3
F34: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/F34.mp3
F14: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/F14.mp3
I6: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/I6.mp3
W19: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/W19.mp3
LW12: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LW12.mp3
TC8: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/TC8.mp3
I12: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/I12.mp3
W21: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/W21.mp3
Intro2: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Intro2.mp3
LW1: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LW1.mp3
TC4: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/TC4.mp3
J3: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/J3.mp3
FC18: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/FC18.mp3
I7: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/I7.mp3
F16: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/F16.mp3
FG3: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/FG3.mp3
FC7: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/FC7.mp3
F0: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/F0.mp3
FC2: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/FC2.mp3
LW19: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/LW19.mp3
LW17: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/LW17.mp3
OC3: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/OC3.mp3
FG4: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/FG4.mp3
W5: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/W5.mp3
W18: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/W18.mp3
LC1: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/LC1.mp3
FC12: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/FC12.mp3
FB1: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/FB1.mp3
I19: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/I19.mp3
LW27: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/LW27.mp3
OC1: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/OC1.mp3
LC3: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/LC3.mp3
FC9: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/FC9.mp3
TC2: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/TC2.mp3
W29: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/W29.mp3<span style="font-size: 54px">About</span>
This work of interactive fiction has been produced as part of issue 1 of projektado magazine "<a href="https://projektado.com/category/issue-1/" target="_blank" style="color: #ff87d3">Anonymity in design</a>", released in May 2021.
In an attempt to provoke critical thinking and discussion, this piece aims to guide you through the difficult life of a design graduate and its relationship with identity, society, and the responsibilities of this industry.
This piece was written, designed and created in Twine by a couple of <a href="https://projektado.com/" target="_blank" style="color: #ff87d3">projektado</a> members.
The soundtrack is used under CC BY licence and it is all by Rolemusic. The tracks included are titled:
- Pokimonkey
- A ninja among culturachippers
- Poppies
- Leafless Quince Tree
and are all available to listen to, together with many other great tunes, on <a href="https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Rolemusic" target="_blank" style="color: #ff87d3">Rolemusic's page</a>.
[[Back to Menu->Menuscreen]]<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/COVER.png" alt="Cover" align="left" style="margin: 0px 0px 1% 0px" width="100%">
{(live: 1s)[[[Start->Menuscreen]](stop: )]}(track: 'soundtrack', 'volume', 0.1)(track: 'StandardButton', 'volume', 0.7)<span style="font-size: 54px">How it works</span>
You've made it! You've finally graduated from your design degree and are ready to go! (Too bad you don't really know where to...)
It's now time for you to start making decisions about your life and your relationship with the industry that, as a recent design graduate, you are about to become a part of.
This is a game about identity, work and choices, set in a moment of life when choices can make the difference between a life full of meaning or one that doesn't have any.
Throughout the game you will try to determine your own future, navigating different paths of life and trying to balance your personal status:
(display: "Stats")
The decisions you make will not only affect the outcome of your story, but also your levels of ANONYMITY, WELLBEING and MORALS.
ANONYMITY, represented by the opening/closing eyes, is a measure of how visible/invisible you are to others. This will decrease if you become more known or even famous in your line of work, while it will increase if you are denied the possibility of showing your potential or if you decide to prioritise the outcome and impact of your work over personal fame.
WELLBEING represents the combination of your physical and mental health.
Make sure your WELLBEING doesn't drop to zero, things could get pretty grim at that point.
MORALS is a measure of how evil/good you are, it represents the morality behind your decisions and life choices.
If your MORALS are high, you might have a boost in WELLBEING. On the other hand you will experience a WELLBEING decrease if your MORALS become questionable.
Don't worry if you forget any of this, this is just like real life: Simple! Right?
[[Start->Intro1]]{(live: 0.4s)[(track: 'email', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardemail">''from: Andrea K.''
to: me
We loved your project at the degree show! We would like to offer you an internship at our company! The position isn't paid but it's a great opportunity to get experience and eventually move to a permenant design position. Think about it and let us know!
[[Cool!->IntroChoice]]</div></div><div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You head towards the local student bar, where you're on the precipice of not being welcome anymore.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[Ahh if these walls could talk...->F2]]</div></div>
(set: $wellbeing to it +10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You reject both offers, you have other things in mind...
(event: when time > 3s)[==[[[...what though?->N2]]]
</div></div>(display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Friend-1-Mirrored.png" alt="Friend1" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%"> So do you want to head out and get a drink to talk about it? We'll be going to the usual place after the show.
[[Alright, sure let's go!->F1]]
[[Actually, I think I'm going to accept this internship offer->I2]]
[[I have other plans in mind...->N1]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Nice! Really landed on your feet with this internship.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[Start your first day at AWL design->I3]]</div></div>
(set: $day to 1)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(if:visits > 1)[(goto: "I3.2")](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Internship</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/I3.2-Mirrored.png" alt="I3" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">
Hey! Hope you're settling in okay!
So, um do you think you could do a coffee run for us?
[[Uh sure...->I4]]
[[I'm a designer not a barista!->Fired1]](display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/N2.png" alt="N2" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 2% 0px" width="40%">
What next?
[[Look for a paid job in design->J1]]
[[Take a gap year->G1]]
[[Study Further->S1]](if:visits > 1)[(goto: "J4")]
<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You spend 2 months meticulously curating your portfolio and CV. Who could say no to those perfect page margins and unpredictable font pairings?
[[Spam away!->J2]]</div></div><div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You take a trip to (either: "Morocco to lose your sense of home and travel with the nomadic Berbers", "India to connect with your body in an intensive Yogi Course", "Peru to visit the city of Macchu Picchu", "Thailand to lose your senses (and your belongings) at an epic Full Moon Party", "Cambodia to a silent monastery", "Madagascar to be taken in by the sacred Lemurs", "Alaska to consult with an Inuit Shaman", "Greenland to trip on acid at the Northern Lights", "Haiti to take part in a mysterious Vodou ritual", "Mexico to take part in a peyote ritual"), where your mind is expanded and your soul elevated. Too bad that when you’re back no one seems to care about it.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
[[What now?->Choices1]]</div></div>(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $morals to it -10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You don’t feel ready for the cold and ruthless reality of the real world - the cosy warm blanket of institutional education is calling you back….
[[Just a few more years and I'll be ready…->Intro1.2]]</div></div>(set: $wellbeing to 60)(set: $anonymity to 40)(set: $morals to 50)(display: "Stats")
Some time passes... There is no reply...
Not even the free month of LinkedIn premium seemed to help..
<span class="stat">+ Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Send more CVs->J2.2]](if:(history: where its name contains "I2") is (a:))[[[Maybe that internship is still on the table?->I2]]](else:)[[[Maybe that internship is still on the table?->J2.4]]](set: $anonymity to it +10)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/J4.png" alt="J4" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Just as you start listing your family heirlooms on ebay you receive an email.
Finally a job offer, too bad it's a lot worse than you hoped for...
[[I'm worth more than this! - Send more CVs->J5]]
[[I guess this will do for now->J6]](if:(history: where its name contains "I2") is (a:))[[[Maybe I should reconsider that internship->J7]]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You decide to up your game, and add some bulk to your CV, hopefully it doesn’t come back to bite you in the ass...
You remember that last summer you helped your cousin make a logo for his website, better add that!
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
[[Graphic Skills: Advanced->J8]]</div></div>(set: $morals to it -10)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">It's a compromise but you can't wait any longer
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
[[Start your first day->LW1]]</div></div>
(set: $day to 1)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $morals to it -10){(live: 0.4s)[(track: 'J3', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/J3.png" alt="J3" align="left" style="margin: 0px 0px 2% 0px" width="100%">
<span class="stat">+ Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Refresh your inbox for the 10000th time->J4]]</div></div>(set: $anonymity to it +10)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">1 soy mocha
1 half-caf oat milk flat white
1 quadruple shot espresso
4 americanos
1 cappuccino
8 flat whites
45 minutes later you return with the tepid beverages and a nice new coffee splodge on your work shirt.
<span class="stat">+ Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
(set: $day to $day + 11)(set: $anonymity to it +10)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You're fired!
Not a great start, what were you expecting rookie?
<span class="stat">+ Anonymity</span>(set: $anonymity to it +10)
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it -10)
[[What now?->Choices2]]</div></div>(display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Choice-1.png" alt="Choices1" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">So, what now?
(if:(history: where its name contains "Fired2") is (a:))[[[Look for a paid designer position->J1]]](if:(history: where its name contains "I2") is (a:))[[[Check if that internship is still on the table->I2]]]
(if:(history:) contains "G1")[[[Take another year off->G1]]](else:)[[Take a year off->G1]](if:(history: where its name contains "LW2" or "F3" or "FC16.5" or "J10" or "S1" or "W1") is (a:))[[[Study further->S1]]](if:(history: where its name contains "F1" or "FC16.5") is (a:))[[[See what your university friends are doing->F0]]]
[[Find a random job, the design industry is not for you!->Quitdesign]](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Internship</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/I3-Mirrored.png" alt="I5" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Hey! How are you holding up? You know, I'm hearing good things, say, you reckon you could squeeze in a short job for me? Really need a CAD kitchen scene with lots of windows, wooden counters, natural feel. I'm really fading fast, had a massive night last night. I'd owe you one.
[[Sure, I guess I can stay late and try to finish them for you.->I6]]
[[Oh, actually I can't really leave late today, sorry.->I7]]{(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'I6', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">At 2:16am your computer sounds likes it's getting ready for lift off, you're both working hard, better be worth it, doesn't really count as overtime if you're not getting paid...
<span class="stat">+ Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">-- Wellbeing</span>
[[Onwards and upwards!->I8]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 5)(set: $anonymity to it +10)(set: $wellbeing to it -20){(live: 1s)[(track: 'I7', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Compliments for not being a kiss-ass, but now you'll probably pay for that.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
[[Home-time :)->I3]]</div></div>(set: $day to $day + 7)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $morals to it +10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Internship</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/I8.png" alt="I8" align="left" style="margin: 0% 2% 1% 0%" width="55%">Wow, these sketches here are nice, are they yours?
Do you mind if I show them to the head designer?
[[No that's fine, hopefully he likes them!->I9]]
[[Actually I'm planning on submitting these to a competition->I10]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Halfway through the weekly sleep-inducing team pow-wow, the head designer shows something that looks suspiciously like your sketch in his presentation...
<span class="stat">+ Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Your eye twitches->I11]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 5)(set: $anonymity to it +10)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">He seemed a bit miffed... But what's yours is yours right?
<span class="stat">+ Anonymity</span>
[[Another day another struggle->I12]]</div></div>(set: $day to $day + 2)(set: $anonymity to it +10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Internship</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/I11.png" alt="I11" align="right" style="margin: 0px 0% 1% 2%" width="30%">The presentation breaks for lunch and you're really brooding over this situation, is that just how things work? It seems off, and annoyingly you were really keen to submit this project to a competition..
A fellow intern walks over with a plate of what looks like a slice of a diabetics nightmare (or dream?).
[[He sits down next to you->I11.2]]{(live: 0.4s)[(track: 'email', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardemail">Hi!
Thanks for getting back to us, unfortunately that position has been filled.
Good luck with your search!
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Back to the job website..->J5]]</div></div>(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Friend-1-Mirrored.png" alt="Friend1" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Hey! So let's get down to it straight away...
Basically we are taking steps towards setting up an independent practice and sharing a studio space.
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Friend-2.png" alt="Friend2" align="right" style="margin: 0% 0% 1% 2%" width="30%">We feel like we have the basic skills to get going and the motivation to learn how to do a lot of the things we don't know yet. It's obviously a bit of a risky move, but there a lot of things about this industry that aren't entirely positive and this really feels like a chance for us to work on projects that are more meaningful and in our opinion, impactful. Rather than getting stuck in an office cubicle.
You were really self-motivated at uni, and took a lot of initiative, and we all worked pretty well together in a couple of group projects, so we were wondering if you would consider joining us and starting something together?
[[Yes! I can't say no to this chance!->F3]]
[[No way this is far too risky and I am not experienced enough yet->F4]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You fist punch the air and hum your victory song. Straight out of uni and straight into a dream situation, you’re feeling very positive and upbeat.
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
[[Nothing’s gonna ever bring you doooooowwwnnn ♪->F6]]</div></div>
(set: $morals to it +10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You feel like you’re letting your friends down a bit….but this is a pretty crucial moment and you need to prioritise yourself.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Feel confident with your decision->Choices1]]</div></div>(set: $wellbeing to it -10){(live: 0.4s)[(track: 'email', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardemail">''from: AWL design''
to: me
Hi there! Thanks so much for sending through your CV, your wide range of skills is really impressive.
Can you start next week?
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[Yes I can!->J9]]</div></div>(set: $day to 6)(set: $anonymity to it -10)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
First day of the new position and you are already feeling the perks.
You've been shifted to a room that has a window (some Vitamin D!!!!) and you are given a new monitor that doesn't spontaneously turn off... The hard road to get here was totally worth it.
The new responsibilities that came with your pay rise are a bit unclear to you at the moment, but one thing you're sure of, your business cards need to be updated ASAP.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[That's 'senior' designer to you->W2]](set: $wellbeing to it +10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Your ego is reigned in a little as you face plant a closed glass door in your pretty new office... You don't think anyone saw.
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
[[Quickly use your shirt to clean your face print and dash away->W3]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 5)(set: $anonymity to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
It's the introductory meeting to a new project that your company has just secured.
You are participating in a bit of chit-chat with the others before the meeting starts, and you notice some interns are laughing particularly hard at your kind of lame jokes...you make a mental note to remember their names, these guys are going places.
As the meeting gets underway, you feel like people are really listening to what you have to say... So this is what it feels like
[[Feel smug->W4]]{(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'I12', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">The days are rolling into weeks as you master every Blender shortcut.
<span class="stat">-- Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it -20)
<span class="stat">-- Morals</span>(set: $morals to it -20)
(set: $day to $day + 20)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You can't stand for this injustice! You camp out in the eating area, ready to ambush the head designer
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
[[He walks in->I15]]</div></div>(set: $anonymity to it -10)(set: $morals to it +10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Internship</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/I14.png" alt="I14" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">One weekend at the garden centre, you're out with your mum helping with the backyard landscaping project that you accidently volunteered for. You notice that one of the indoor plants has been incorrectly labelled...
pfft Dieffenbachia?! that's Sansevieria - what are they doing here?
Your mum throws you a weird look, you've also surprised yourself with this outburst towards the garden centres' humble employees.
You realise that you've spent way too much time decorating virtual interiors for product presentations and this isn't really the specific knowledge that you thought you were going to be gaining in this internship, and you definitely don't want to become arrogant about it.
[[Something needs to change->I18]]
[[I'm handing in my notice->I19]](display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Head-Designer-Mirrored.png" alt="I15" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Uh hey, may I help you?
[[I wanted to talk to you about your presentation. I noticed that one of the concepts presented was very similar to a drawing that I gave to Kai to get some feedback on...->I17]]
[[I don't know, can you? I've been working real hard for the past $day days and it is frustrating to see that my personal work was basically stolen without saying a word...->I16]]
[[Uh, nothing.. great presentation! (chicken out, he's scary and strangely charming)->I12]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Feeling unusually confident, you stride into the bosses office and ask for a contract.
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
[[There's a long pause...->I20]]</div></div>(set: $anonymity to it -10)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $morals to it +10){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'I19', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You feel empowered for 10 minutes until the reality of it hits and you have a panic attack.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Time to rethink your life->Choices2]]</div></div>(set: $morals to it +10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Internship</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Boss-Mirrored.png" alt="I20" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Well well well... aren't you in luck? One of our designers has moved to a different studio and we have an opening.
I was about to start advertising this position but I like your attitude and I don't feel like going through the whole employment shabang, so the job is yours.
[[You start tomorrow->I25]](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Head-Designer-Mirrored.png" alt="I16" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Woah woah, stolen?! You do realise you are part of a team right? This is no place for egocentric drama, especially when you're an intern!
[[Am I a part of the team? Cause it really feels like I'm not right now. Today's presentation proved that my work is worth the name of this company and if you want more you are going to have to give me a reason to stay!->I21]]
[["Especially when you're an intern"?? What is that supposed to mean?! You know what, if this is the way you all see me I'd rather quit!->I22]](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Internship</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Head-Designer-Mirrored.png" alt="I17" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Sorry about that, I had no idea. You know how things go in an office, there are always drawings laying around and sometimes you just forget where they came from...
[[I understand that and I don't blame you, but given how well received the idea was, I do think I am entitled to some recognition for it. That concept is nothing compared to what I could do if I was given the right resources, I can make this company great!->I23]]
[[Yeah, right.. and you don't think that asking could have been a valid option? I bet you felt really good when everyone praised you for a presentation you barely had to do any work for->I24]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">The initially angry conversation slowly transitions into a very pleasant talk about your potential and role in the company. You are offered a job.
<span class="stat">-- Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">++ Wellbeing</span>
[[Accept the promotion->LW1]]</div></div>
(set: $day to 1)(set: $anonymity to it -20)(set: $wellbeing to it +20)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You quit.
Even if they asked you to stay, you would still say no, you don’t like the way things are done around here.
<span class="stat">++ Morals</span>(set: $morals to it +20)
[[I'm outta here->Choices2]]</div></div><div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You feel more charming than usual and it seems to be working. The conversation evolves from you having good potential, to you deserving a job, to you being an invaluable asset for the company and worthy of responsibilities. You get offered a high level job on the spot. That was unexpected!
<span class="stat">--- Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">+++ Wellbeing</span>
[[Feel unstoppable->W1]]</div></div>
(set: $day to 1)(set: $anonymity to it -30)(set: $wellbeing to it +30)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You get fired... You aren’t surprised.
You were ruthless but you stand by what you said.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it +10)
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>(set: $morals to it +10)
[[What now?->Choices2]]</div></div>{(live: 1s)[(track: 'LW1', 'play')(stop: )]}(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 1</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LW1-AND-LW1.2-.png" alt="LW1" align="right" style="margin: 0px 0% 1% 2%" width="30%">A major milestone in your young career, you have finally made it to a paid position!
Your desk might be right next to the toilet and you're sitting across from someone who has a nose whistle, but you're not discouraged.
[[Start earning just enough to pay for your own Netflix->LW2]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You're now the proud owner of a job, you can't believe that worked.
<span class="stat">-- Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[Start your first day->LW1]]</div></div>
(set: $day to 1)(set: $anonymity to it -20)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(unless: (track: 'soundtrack', 'isplaying'))[(track: 'soundtrack', 'volume', 0.1)(track: 'StandardButton', 'volume', 0.7)(track: 'soundtrack', 'loop', true)(track: 'soundtrack', 'playwhenpossible')]<span style="font-size: 54px">Degree Show Opening Night</span>
You can't believe you have finally graduated! After weeks of sleepless nights, cold sweats and multiple meltdowns, you can finally stand next to your exhibited project and answer random questions as you slowly get drunk on tiredness and prosecco.
On the other side of the hall, Finn, also seemingly drunk, frantically waves at you and then spirals into some undeciferable gestures.
[[See what your friend has to say->Intro2]](if:visits > 1)[(goto: "I3.3")](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Internship</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/I3.3-Mirrored.png" alt="I3.2" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">
Hey we really need to get some vinyls for the show display collected, can you duck out and see if they're ready?
[[I'm kind of in the mid--oh fine->I4.2]]
[[I don't really think that's the best use of my skills->Fired1]](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Internship</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/I5-Mirrored.png" alt="I3.3" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0%" width="30%">
Hey, we need someone to go and collect the bosses dry cleaning, can you manage?
[[Ah ok->I4.3]]
[[Seriously?->Fired1]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">As you are handed a stack of very neatly folded boxer briefs, after $day exhausting days of internship, you feel like this is a new low.
You hand back the dry cleaning, keep the money for it, and buy yourself a sashimi deluxe set. With renewed motivitation you walk into the office, grab your stuff and never look back.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
[[Later losers!->Choices2]]</div></div>(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $morals to it +10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You're pretty sure that 'FIST IN DESIGN' is not the intended message...
But that's not on you at least...
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
[[Head back->I5]]</div></div>(set: $day to $day + 5)(set: $morals to it -10)(display: "Stats")
The sound of your inbox propells you out of your sofa and in a fraction of a second you are doing everthing you need to not lose this opportunity.
You meticulously go through every step they indicate in the email: give your personal information, pay the application fee of 9.99, and receive an opportunity of a lifetime!
As you pretaste all of the amazing food you'll finally be able to buy with that salary, a pop up saying "Thanks for your money loser!" brings you straight back into reality and to your sofa.
I guess there was a reason why the email was in your spam folder...
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Send more CVs->J3]](if:(history: where its name contains "I2") is (a:))[[[Maybe that internship is still on the table?->I2]]](else:)[[[Maybe that internship is still on the table?->J2.6]]](set: $wellbeing to it -10)(display: "Stats")
Customer service ensures you once again there is no problem with your phone connection.
You put down your phone and suddenly have a minor panic attack, realising you just kept your line occupied for 45 minutes and anyone could have called you in that time.
You spend the rest of the day being unsure if calling customer service once again to check if someone did call you, or if keeping your line free.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Send more CVs->J2.3]](if:(history: where its name contains "I2") is (a:))[[[Maybe that internship is still on the table?->I2]]](else:)[[[Maybe that internship is still on the table?->J2.5]]](set: $wellbeing to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/I22.2-Mirrored.png" alt="I11.2" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">I don't know whose birthday it is, but I took some of this cake cause I am running on empty right now, I'm so late for sending the files to the marketing team, and they already gave me more to do...
Anyway that presentation was pretty good, he is doing a pretty good job with this project, I guess that's why he's the head designer, so creative!
[[I guess so...->I12]]
[[Creative?! I need to talk to this guy->I13]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LW2.png" alt="LW2" align="left" style="margin: 0px 0% 10% 0px" width="100%">Your freshly laminated face in your new company ID card grins at you cheesily.
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
[[Feeling good->LW3]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 5)(set: $anonymity to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 1</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/LW3.png" alt="LW3" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Your first team meeting for the project is about to begin and you are bursting with anticipation.
You pulled an all-nighter putting together your initial ideas and making them presentable in a killer slide-show.
[[Grab yourself a prime seating position->LW4]](display: "Stats")
The meeting went terribly, you felt invisible as the senior designers completely ignored your comments and suggestions, and one even asked you to go and get a round of coffees, did they think that you're an intern?!
It seems like you don't have as much of a voice in the group as you thought, how could you have been so naive...
After an incredibly anti-climatic day you are having an adrenaline come-down, you need a hard drink to forget about it.
[[Buy some alcohol from the corner shop and drink at your desk->LW5]]
[[Pick up some vodka on the way home->LW6]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">At 1:45am the cleaner walks in on you in the middle of a youtube karaoke solo. You throw him a highlighter and invite him to join you in a duet.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[Wake up at your desk->LW7]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 4)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You spiral into an angry monologue, mid drunk dial, on the office politics and fairness in the workplace, you're not sure if your mum is not impressed or just tired.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Hope tomorrow is better->LW7]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 4)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 1</span>
(display: (either: ...$taskcards))<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">(display: (either: ...$overtimecards))
(if:visits >= 3)[(link: "Continue")[(goto: "LW10")]](else:)[(link: "Continue")[(goto: "LW7")]]</div></div><div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">(display: (either: ...$lifecards))
(if:visits >= 6)[[[Continue->Fired2]]](else:)[[[Continue->LW7]]]</div></div>
</div></div>{(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'OC1', 'play')(stop: )]}You have the best intentions to work hard but you have a new office chair with high suspension that is extremely distracting.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
(set: $overtimecards to $overtimecards - (a: "OC1"))(set: $day to $day + 1)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $morals to it +10){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'OC2', 'play')(stop: )]}Your gym junkie colleague has left some red bull in the fridge. You smash back two cans and feel more productive than ever. By 4am you have finished all of your work, repaired your colleague's drawer, sharpened all pencils in the meeting room and double-checked the first aid inventory. Neat!
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
(set: $day to $day + 2)(set: $morals to it +10)(set: $overtimecards to $overtimecards - (a: "OC2")){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'OC3', 'play')(stop: )]}Lucky you stayed - the boss saw you when she came back after hours to collect her forgotten house keys. She's impressed by your dedication.
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>(set: $morals to it +10)
(set: $day to $day + 3)(set: $anonymity to it -10)(set: $overtimecards to $overtimecards - (a: "OC3"))You stay late enough to run into the cleaner again, you catch up on old times.
<span class="stat">++ Wellbeing</span>
(set: $day to $day + 2)(set: $wellbeing to it +20)(set: $overtimecards to $overtimecards - (a: "OC4")){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'LC1', 'play')(stop: )]}You go home and catch Masterchef's semi final, wild episode!
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
(set: $day to $day + 1)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $morals to it -10)(set: $lifecards to $lifecards - (a: "LC1")){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'LC2', 'play')(stop: )]}You're working harder at home than at work, your demanding pet is ruthless.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
(set: $day to $day + 2)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(set: $morals to it -10)(set: $lifecards to $lifecards - (a: "LC2")){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'LC3', 'play')(stop: )]}You spend a chill night with an old friend, lovely stuff.
<span class="stat">++ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
(set: $day to $day + 2)(set: $wellbeing to it +20)(set: $morals to it -10)(set: $lifecards to $lifecards - (a: "LC3"))At the bar you run into the intern who you pressured into staying late to take on your workload, why is he here?
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
(set: $day to $day + 2)(set: $morals to it -10)(set: $lifecards to $lifecards - (a: "LC4"))(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 1</span>
The head designer calls you back for a private chat after the regular Monday morning re-group.
He tells you that he has noticed you have been really focused lately and that you seem pretty committed...finally someone is noticing how hard you've been working!
Apparently there is something that he has been meaning to ask you...
[[What is it?->LW11]](display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Head-Designer-Mirrored.png" alt="LW11" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">As you know, the furniture fair in Milan, Salone del Mobile, is coming up and we need a solid and reliable team to help set-up and stay at the stand.
We need someone with energy like yours to be involved and Kai can't make it this year.
Are you interested in coming along?
[[Everyone wants to go, I'd be crazy to say no. Let's do this!->LW12]]{(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'LW12', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LW12.png" alt="LW12" align="left" style="margin: 0px 0% 10% 0px" width="100%">
[[Cabin crew please take your seats for landing->LW13]]</div></div>(set: $day to 1)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Milan</span>
After a neck breaking nap on the flight over, you're happy to finally be in Milan.
You bump into a couple of colleagues at the airport, you didn't see them on your budget flight and they sure seem fresher than you, did they fly with another airline?
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it -10)
[[Feel undervalued->LW14]]{(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'LW14', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">The taxi driver that takes you to your hotel asks you a question you don't understand and you accidently agree to let him keep the change.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[I guess supermarket dinner tonight then...->LW15]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 1)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Milan</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LW15.png" alt="LW15" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">The walls were paper thin and you slept terribly, but the glorious breakfast buffet made up for it. You eat a dozen frozen croissants and you start making your way to the fair.
[[Call a taxi->LW16]]
[[Take the metro->LW17]]{(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'LW14', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You get the same driver as you did from the airport, happy to see a familiar face, you feel like a local already.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
(if:(history:) contains "Intro1.2")[[[Pay with card this time->LW18.2]]](else:)[[[Pay with card this time->LW18]]]</div></div>(set: $wellbeing to it +10){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'LW17', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You decide to take the cheaper option and save some of your daily allowance, pizza versus a slightly more comfortable taxi journey has a clear winner.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
(if:(history:) contains "Intro1.2")[[[Think about pizza for the entire journey->LW18.2]]](else:)[[[Think about pizza for the entire journey->LW18]]]</div></div>(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(display: "Stats")
After an anxious 50 minute pace around the chaotic construction site that apparently will become a design fair, you finally make it to the company's stand.
There's high tension in the air and you realise why immediately, the sign vinyls spell FIST IN DESIGN - eek
After far more than a normal amount of hours of work, you're feeling really exhausted.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it -10)
[[Leave now with enough time to rest for tomorrow->LW19]]
[[Stay longer to add final touches to the display->LW20]]{(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'LW19', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">The streets are buzzing, there are parties left and right and you're welcome to all of them. You've only bought 1 Aperol Spritz but drank 15.
<span class="stat">++ Wellbeing</span>
[[Salone SWAG ->LW21]]</div></div>(set: $day to $day + 1)(set: $wellbeing to it +20){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'LW20', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Hopefully someone notices.
On your very late return to your hotel you longingly stare at the pizzerias and gelaterias long closed, looks like it's a vending machine dinner for you.
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[E65 - Cheese Crackers->LW21]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 1)(set: $anonymity to it -10)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Milan</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LW21.png" alt="LW21" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">It's the first day of the fair and you've never seen so many ridiculous and seemingly impractical shapes of spectacles - where do people even buy these?
On your way back from the most expensive snack bar you have ever been to, to replenish the moisture that the full force AC is robbing from you, you see your friends from uni.
Last time you spoke you turned down their offer to open a studio together.
(if:(history: where its name contains "F3" or "FC16.5") is (a:))[[[Wave at them->LW22]]][[Pretend you didn't see them->LW23]](display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Friend-1-Mirrored.png" alt="LW22" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Hey, how are you doing! Haven't heard from you in a while! I see you're working at AWL design how's that going for you?
We did end up opening that independent studio we spoke about once, and things are starting to pick up a bit.
Do you have plans for tonight? We are going out for dinner, maybe we can catch up properly?
[[Definitely!->LW24]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">At the end of the day your colleagues invite you to the hip Bar Basso.
<span class="stat">-- Morals</span>
[[Unmissable opportunity to mingle with the in-crowd->LW26]]</div></div>(set: $morals to it -20)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You catch your colleagues taking a selfie with someone they think is a fashion guru, but you're pretty sure that's the hobo you saw relieving himself around the corner.
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
[[Crazy times->LW31]]</div></div>(set: $day to $day + 4)(set: $anonymity to it -10)(set: $morals to it -10){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'LW24', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You made it through the first day.
After the initial excitement and buzz wore off, the following 7 hours manning the stand were the most boring of your life.
<span class="stat">+ Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[zzzzzzz->LW25]]</div></div>(set: $anonymity to it +10)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(display: "Stats")
The team have decided to go to Bar Basso for celebration drinks. A notorious hang-out for star designers and wannabes, it's a great chance to accidently appear in a few influencer posts and for you to get cosy with the right people... But you've already agreed to meet up with your friends.
[[Message your friends saying you're too tired, maybe another night, and hope that they aren't going to Bar Basso as well.->LW26]]
[[Stick to your original plan and meet your friends, you're not in it for the likes->LW27]]{(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'LW27', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You feel a bit of FOMO but you are in real need of meaningful chats with nice people.
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
[[Head towards the restaurant->LW28]]</div></div> (set: $morals to it +10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Milan</span>
It's the last day of the fair and you are mentally preparing for the breakdown of the stand that is probably going to last well into the night, lucky you brought a bunch of stolen buffet breakfast pastries with you to keep you alive.
Things went pretty well for the remaining days of the fair, you bonded a bit with your colleagues, they are not the soulless social climbers that you originally judged them to be.
You're told that your boss is very happy with the opportunities that the fair has offered, a rare occurrence, and she's looking forward to the team debrief on your return to the office.
As your pallets are finally collected for shipping, you are very relieved to be finally done.
[[Fly back home->LW32]](display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LW28.png" alt="LW28" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">After a short walk post dinner, you end up in the main square, sitting on the Duomo steps, trying to digest a giant plate of pasta by consuming more gelato.
Your friends tell you about how their studio is going, about the constant financial struggle, but also about the excitement and satisfaction of pursuing your ideals and motivations... For a moment you feel like a child listening to an adventure story.
You've been so busy doing what you think you should be doing, that you only now realise how uninspiring your current job is, hearing all of the stories your friends have makes you happy and sad at the same time...
[[Sigh->LW29]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You're feeling pensive but happy as you head back to your hotel.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[Delay your decision until you get back->LW31]]</div></div>(set: $day to $day + 4)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Back home, and you are greeted by 1 week old Chinese take-out that you left on the counter. Yum.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
(if:(history:) contains "LW26")[[[Disinfect everything->LW33.2]]](else:)[[[Disinfect everything->LW33]]]</div></div>(set: $wellbeing to it -10){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'TC1', 'play')(stop: )]}<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/TC1.png" alt="TC1" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Your colleague's computer has a meltdown and she's going to miss an important deadline, it could be make or break for her.
[[Stay and help->LW8]]
[[Gotta go, soz!->LW9]]
(set: $taskcards to $taskcards - (a: "TC1")){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'TC2', 'play')(stop: )]}<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/TC2.png" alt="TC2" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">You've just finished your presentation for tomorrow and you've realised that you have been working for the last 2 hours with the night light on.
[[Who cares, this isn't an episode of CSI Miami->LW9]]
[[Stay and fix the colours->LW8]]
(set: $taskcards to $taskcards - (a: "TC2"))On your way out, you accidentally bump a model that an intern was agonising over all week.
[[Stay and rebuild it->LW8]]
[[Write an anonymous SORRY! :( note and bail->LW9]]
(set: $taskcards to $taskcards - (a: "TC3")){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'TC4', 'play')(stop: )]}Your boss has gone away on a business trip for a few days, and returns tomorrow. The office is in disarray and everyone stayed back last night for after work drinks leaving a huge pile of pizza boxes and a nasty surprise at the entrance of the bathroom, where seemingly someone didn’t make it in time.
[[Leave and blame it on a random hooligan break in->LW9]]
[[Stay late and try to clean it up->LW8]]
(set: $taskcards to $taskcards - (a: "TC4"))<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/TC5.png" alt="TC5" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">30 minutes before home time, your boss reminds you of the importance of tomorrow's presentation.
[[No pressure...you stay late->LW8]]
[[Wing it, go home->LW9]]
(set: $taskcards to $taskcards - (a: "TC5"))You accidently send a design meme you made to the head designer, he replies 'LOL, send more'.
[[Leave his reply on unread. Forever.->LW9]]
[[Psyched by the positive response, you stay late making a brand new set of memes and gifs to use in the office chat->LW8]]
(set: $taskcards to $taskcards - (a: "TC6"))At the end of the day the head designer says your mood board isn't moody enough.
[[Make the exuberant intern do it and go home->LW9]]
[[Deep dive into pinterest for trendy palettes->LW8]]
(set: $taskcards to $taskcards - (a: "TC7")){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'TC8', 'play')(stop: )]}The 3D printer crashes for 20000th time and it's late.
[[Stick it out and sort it out->LW8]]
[[Surprise your colleagues with some abstract concepts->LW9]]
(set: $taskcards to $taskcards - (a: "TC8")){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'LC5', 'play')(stop: )]}You order take-out and you receive double the quantity you paid for - you're so excited that you forgot you ordered sushi not indian - same same but different
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
(set: $day to $day + 3)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $morals to it -10)(set: $lifecards to $lifecards - (a: "LC5"))You skype your mum, she passes the device to your grandma and she hangs up unexpectedly.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
(set: $day to $day + 3)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $lifecards to $lifecards - (a: "LC6"))<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Looks like you aren’t really cut out for hard work - and you’re not really hiding it well.
Your boss calls you telling you not to bother going in tomorrow.
<span class="stat">+ Anonymity</span>(set: $anonymity to it +10)
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it -10)
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>(set: $morals to it -10)
(if:(history:) contains "Intro1.2")[[[Ooops..->FQ1]]](else:)[[[Ooops..->Choices2]]]</div></div>You had planned to follow an online exercise routine, but fell down a youtube rabbit hole and lost 5 hours.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
(set: $day to $day + 1)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(set: $morals to it -10)(set: $lifecards to $lifecards - (a: "LC7"))(display: "Stats")
First order of business, the name of the studio.
Your friend starts on a tangent about your studio's brand identity and how you have to follow some surprisingly strict marketing guidelines for good names to reach your 'target audience'. You don't really want to overthink it and prefer something that sounds cool.
(link: "DATM (Design Against The Machine)")[(set: $studioname to "DATM")(goto: "F7")]
(link: "scope studio")[(set: $studioname to "scope studio")(goto: "F7")]
(link: "g.a.d.s. (get ahead design solutions)")[(set: $studioname to "g.a.d.s.")(goto: "F7")]
(link: "Facets*")[(set: $studioname to "Facets*")(goto: "F7")]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">{(if: $studioname is 'DATM')[<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/F7-DATM.png" alt="DATM" align="left" style="margin: 0px 0% 1% 0px" width="100%">](else-if: $studioname is 'g.a.d.s.')[<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/F7-gads.png" alt="gads" align="left" style="margin: 0px 0% 1% 0px" width="100%">](else-if: $studioname is 'scope studio')[<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/F7-scope-studio.png" alt="scope" align="left" style="margin: 0px 0% 1% 0px" width="100%">](else:)[<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/F7-Facets.png" alt="Facets" align="left" style="margin: 0px 0% 1% 0px" width="100%">]}
Your new business card as lead designer at $studioname!
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
[[This feels official->F8]]</div></div>
(set: $day to 1)(set: $anonymity to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - $studioname</span>
Quick morning team pow-wow, it's time to start tackling some of these boring but fundamental tasks, you decide to share the load and pick between the following:
[[Figure out the bureaucracy->F9]]
[[Find a space to work together->F10]]
[[Work on your studio's brand identity->F11]]
[[You just want to design stuff, not do anything businessy. Go home->F12]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">During the official incorporation process you almost spell the name of your future company incorrectly... Your colleagues are none the wiser.
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
[[Go meet the others->F15]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 7)(set: $rent to 1)(set: $anonymity to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/F10.png" alt="F10" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="60%">You make your way towards the first space. It's in a pretty decent area, seems like it was previously an industrial zone that's been converted into open plan working spaces, perfect for a thriving contemporary design community that's on the edge of gentrification. You notice out the front a few modified fixed gear bikes and your suspicions are confirmed, it's gonna be premium prices.
Next on the list is a co-working space that you'll be sharing with a few call-centre businesses, far less sexy and noisy - but quite central.
The estate agent asks you what your preference is:
[[Expensive and cool $$$->F13]]
[[Cheap and noisy $->F14]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Numerous hours pass as you try to pick between #333333 and #333334 - you ask for the opinion of a friend who looks at you in a confused way. It seems they are exactly the same.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[The devil's in the details->F15]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 7)(set: $rent to 1)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You receive a pretty strong message from your friends that afternoon - its a clear warning that you need to pull your weight around the studio, even if it means doing some boring stuff, or you're out.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
[[Feel guilty->F15]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 7)(set: $rent to 1)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(set: $morals to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - $studioname INC.</span>
(if:(history:) contains "F12")[You walk into the office and your friends stop talking, it seems like they are still a bit mad at you...you decide to do a deep clean of the office toilets in an act of penance...<br><br>]You're officially incorporated and you suddenly have a strong urge to start reading The Economist.
The logo and visual identity is done and now you are discussing your social media strategy and ways to outsmart the algorithm. This leads to a heated discussion about branding and how tote bags are much better than t-shirts for merchandising, maybe it's too soon for SWAG...(if:(history: where its name contains "F10") is (a:))[<br><br>Finn seems to have found a perfect space but it seems expensive...]
[[Let's get started!->F16]](if:(history: where its name contains "F10") is (a:))[[[Search for an alternative workspace... ->F10]]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">The trendy industrial zone was too tempting to pass up, it's the perfect way to show everyone your studio is on point.
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
(if:(history:) contains "F15")[[[You never get a second chance to make a first impression->F16]]](else:)[[[You never get a second chance to make a first impression->F15]]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 7)(set: $rent to 1)(set: $morals to it -10){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'F14', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">It was a difficult choice, but in the end you know that being pragmatic and realistic is going to be better in the long run. You can always invest in some noise cancelling headphones...
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it -10)
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
(if:(history:) contains "F15")[[[Move in->F16]]](else:)[[[Go meet the others->F15]]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 7)(set: $rent to 0)(set: $morals to it +10){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'F16', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You book a man and a van for moving day, but then you realise you only have a laptop to bring.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Too late to get your deposit back->F17]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 10)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - $studioname</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/F17.png" alt="F17" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">With all of those formalities out of the way you're ready to start on your first "$studioname" project. But what is it going to be?
After an intense brainstorming session it seems like Finn is leaning more towards looking for a client, while Ali wants to just work more independently and get started on an in-house project, your vote can make things go either way and your friends stare at you impatiently, what do you say?
[[Start looking for a client project->F18]]
[[Work on an in-house project->F19]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Ali seems cranky, but can't oppose democracy.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it -10)
[[Get started->FC1]]</div></div>(set: $day to $day + 5)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Finn seems cranky, but can't oppose democracy.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it -10)
[[Get started->F20]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 5)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - $studioname</span>
With the almost non-existent work resumè you guys have you feel like the best option is to make yourselves look more professional than you are: you open a business page on Linkedin where you all work as 'director and lead-designer', you grab a minimalist theme for your fresh www.$studioname.com website, making it seem like you're purists and not just lacking a portfolio, and you even promote intriguing and not very revealing posts on social media.
Time to sit back and wait for the clients to roll in!
[[A few days pass...->FC2]](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - $studioname</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/F20.png" alt="F20" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">You start the ideation phase of your first in-house project and the wall is quickly filling with post-it notes.
There's an idea you have been waiting to do for a long time, but you feel like it's your baby.
[[Share it with the others->F21]]
[[Keep it to yourself->F22]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">It feels really good to share it, you're going to get way further together
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
[[See what they think->F23]]</div></div>(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $morals to it +10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">It seems you're just not ready to share this yet
<span class="stat">+ Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
[[Maybe another time->F24]]</div></div>(set: $anonymity to it +10)(set: $morals to it -10)(display: "Stats")
Your friends seem to love your idea and start sketching and brainstorming at a speed you struggle keeping pace with. It's not long before it starts looking pretty different to what you originally pitched..
[[Instant regret, change topic and hope they forget about it->F24]]
[[Go with the changes->F25]](display: "Stats")
(if:visits > 1)[This time Finn pitches another concept: it's pretty vague, but the use of buzzwords and exagerated hand gestures is strangely charismatic.](else:)[Ali proposes an idea and is very open about it, the concept is not very developed but that gives you more space to work on it together.]
[[Work on your friend's idea->F25]](if:(history: where its name contains "F21") is (a:))[[[You think your idea is actually better->F21]]](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - $studioname</span>
There's an upcoming design show and you are all thinking that this could be a chance for your studio to participate. Time to show the world what you are capable of and get your studio's name out there!
It's time to start prototyping so that you have a model to exhibit and use for the application.
(if: $rent is 0)[Lucky you picked the cheaper working space, you can now afford to buy a 3d printer and do it in house!<br><br>[[It's going to look almost as good as the real thing!->F26]]](else:)[Your rent is so high you can only afford to use the scrap material that's in your grandparents shed to prototype with.<br><br>[[It's not going to be sexy...->F27]]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">The outcome looks amazing and your presentation is impeccable
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[Send your application->F28]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 14)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Your submission is passable at best... You hope that your charismatic writing skills pull you through this one...
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Doesn't look promising...->F29]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 14)(set: $wellbeing to it -10){(live: 0.4s)[(track: 'email', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardemail">''from: RDS - Regional Design Show''
to: $studioname
Your application to exhibit at the regional design show has been accepted!
Thanks for applying and we'll see you there!
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[Nice!->F30]]</div></div>(set: $day to $day + 15)(set: $anonymity to it -10)(set: $wellbeing to it +10){(live: 0.4s)[(track: 'email', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardemail">''from: RDS - Regional Design Show''
to: $studioname
Your application to the show has unfortunately not been successful.
We had a record amount of applicants this year and the decision was very difficult.
Better luck next year!
<span class="stat">+ Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">-- Wellbeing</span>
[[Bummer...->F32]]</div></div>(set: $day to $day + 15)(set: $anonymity to it +10)(set: $wellbeing to it -20)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day 2 - Design Show</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/F30.png" alt="F30" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="60%">It has already been an intense couple of days, you didn't expect the set-up to be so chaotic, thankfully your show neighbours were kind enough to lend you some tools or your stand would have looked like an art installation.
The stand is in the heart of the young designers area, populated entirely by 2m x 1m stands that reek of desperation. Luckily you are near the toilets, guaranteed foot traffic.
You notice a couple of important looking people coming your direction, they stop to inspect your display.
[[Go and say hello->F31]]
(set: $day to $day + 29){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'FC7', 'play')(stop: )]}(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - $studioname</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/F32-Mirrored.png" alt="F32" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">You're in dire straits, after many attempts to find funding and partners you are left with no money and only two options...
[[Give up, this isn't working...->F33]]
[[Try crowdfunding->F34]](display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Manufacturer-Mirrored.png" alt="Manufacturer" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Hello there, we are two representatives of Carlton and Co., a local manufacturer. We were on our way out and about to completely miss this part of the show, but luckily my colleague had to use the toilet!
Your product seems very interesting and it really suits the type of manufacturing processes we specialise in, you wouldn't believe how hard it can be to find a compatible project.
Well we are glad to have found you, we think this could be what we've been looking for. What we could do for you is to take care of manufacture and distribution and leave to you the design part of things. Here's my card.
[[You take the card but you've already made up your mind: definitely yes!->F35]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">This rejection has really got you down, you’ve been on the edge of getting out of this situation for a while, and this has just given you a big push.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Quit the studio->Choices1]]</div></div>(set: $wellbeing to it -10){(live: 1.5s)[(track: 'F34', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You spend a month staring at your Kickstarter progress:
<div id="progress"><div id="bar"></div></div>
{(replace: ?messages)[start]
(live: 2s)[
(replace: ?messages)[your families start chipping in]
](live: 5s)[
(replace: ?messages)[you're over the hump]
](live: 7s)[
(replace: ?messages)[so clooose]
](live: 10s)[
(replace: ?messages)[you made it!]
(event: when time > 11s)[==<span class="stat">-- Anonymity</span>
(event: when time > 11s)[==<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
(event: when time > 12s)[==[[Funded!->FC11]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 92)(set: $anonymity to it -20)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - $studioname</span>
After 2 months of continuous back and forth with clients, manufacturers and logistic companies, you finally have your first produced product in your hands.
Even though the font on the packaging is horrible, you are all ecstatic and relieved that (if:(history:) contains "FC10")[this is finally over and you can now get paid for all of the work you put in.](else:)[this turned out so great and that you finally have a tangible outcome for all of the work you put into $studioname.]
[[Celebrate!->FC12]]{(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'FC2', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">All you get is a Linkedin message from Amanda promising to tell you all about becoming a more successful business owner for only 14.99..
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Secretly think you actually need those tips->FC3]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 7)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - $studioname</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/FC3.png" alt="FC3" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">You read online that word of mouth really does work and start a wineing and dining marathon, going out every night and telling any friend, friend of friend, or passerby about your studio. You seem to be spending more on your potential clients than they are spending on you..
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
[[Max-out your credit card and persevere->FC4]]
[[Give up, suddenly other work options seem more appealing->Choices1]]
(set: $day to $day + 11)(set: $anonymity to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - $studioname</span>
You randomly hear about a design show downtown and you can't miss this opportunity for networking! You rush in there and intercept any person that seems to be asking questions to exhibitors, soon enough you need to start rationing your business cards... can't afford another order of these triple-ply linen bad boys.
[[Keep trying so much to make it statistically unlikely to not get a client->FC5]]
[[Give up, you've had enough instant noodles for this lifetime->Choices1]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You’re starting to run on empty; money, patience, energy and motivation is beginning to wear thin.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Stick it out a little longer->FC6]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 5)(set: $wellbeing to it -10){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'email', 'play')(stop: )]}(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - $studioname</span>
You're surprised by an unusual sound, and by the time you realise it's your company email inbox, your friends are already sprinting to the closest device around.
Apparently e-VIL Corp. wants you to work on the design of their new collection of solid gold statement pieces. You're kind of disgusted by the proposal but it is a lot of money..
You look at each other as the rush of excitement turns into confusion, what should you do?
[[This is the opposite of what you were hoping to do with your studio, reject the offer->FC7]]
[[Can't say no to this at this moment, you need to survive->FC8]]{(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'FC7', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You're 3 months behind rent but you've still got your morals.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">++ Morals</span>
(set: $day to $day + 2)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(set: $morals to it +20)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You've compromised on your morals, but you can now buy that 48-piece Copic set you've been dreaming about.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
[[Can't wait to try 'Cool Grey C00'->FC10]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 17)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $morals to it -10){(live: 0.1s)[(track: 'FC9', 'play')(stop: )]}(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - $studioname</span>
It's early morning and your phone rings:
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/FC9.png" alt="Phone" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Hey! $studioname? I heard you turned down an offer from e-VIL Corp the other day, it's good to hear there are still good people around! Listen, I'm the CEO of PRO-LIFE and I want to work with you guys, I have a good feeling about collaborating and I'm open to give you complete freedom on the creative aspect of things, what do you say? Let's make something great!
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
[[This is exactly what you've been waiting for!->FC11]]
(set: $day to $day + 61)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $morals to it +10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - $studioname</span>
You head to the e-VIL Corp office in their tower of doom and you present your proposal which proves to be a total hit for the grinning old man at the head of the table.
You're not proud of the result but at least your studio name will be almost invisible, hidden by the gigantic e-VIL Corp logo that covers the entire packaging.
<span class="stat">+ Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
[[Try to block out any guilty thoughts->FC11]]
(set: $day to $day + 61)(set: $anonymity to it +10)(set: $morals to it -10){(live: 1.2s)[(track: 'FC12', 'play')(stop: )]}(display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/FC12.png" alt="FC12" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Things keep getting better: during your celebratory house party one of your friends shows you that the product you designed has just been featured on dezeen.
Now not even the crazy man peeing in your kitchen sink could wipe that smile off your face.
[[Enjoy your moment of glory->FC13]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">$studioname can finally pay you enough to be able to quit you part time job that supports your sushi habit.
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">++ Wellbeing</span>
(set: $day to $day + 13)(set: $anonymity to it -10)(set: $wellbeing to it +20)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - $studioname</span>
Your feature on dezeen was followed by a few interviews and articles, which raised a bit of interest in your studio.
Suddenly you have a bit more work than you can handle between the 3 of you, so you'll need some help to lighten the load. Only problem: now that you are paying yourselves a small amount you don't have a lot of spare cash around. What would you rather do?
[[Get an unpaid intern->FC15]]
[[Take a bit from your paychecks to pay a base rate->FC16]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Your lack of empathy surprises your friends and they strongly oppose your proposal.
Seems like you are going to have to dip into your paycheck afterall.
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
[[Didn't take long for a little success to get to your head...->FC16.2]]</div></div>(set: $morals to it -10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You're a bit out of pocket but this feels right. You celebrate together with a supermarket brand sparkling wine.
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
[[Cheers!->FC16.2]]</div></div>(set: $morals to it +10)(display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Friend-1-Mirrored.png" alt="Friend1" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Hey! So how about that great news huh? I had to work pretty hard for this contact, did A LOT of ass kissing and I wanted to surprise you guys on this special day. Exciting stuff!
[[Listen, I know you worked really hard for this opportunity, but I don’t think I am comfortable with this at all, this company has been notorious for doing their business in unsavoury ways and I don’t think we should be getting mixed up in it, we’re better than this aren’t we? ->FC19]]
[[I am pretty confused about this, but I appreciate the effort you went to, the only way I will agree to it is if you assure me that we won’t get involved with projects like this ever again after this->FC20]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You might have just ruined a friendship but you just couldn’t compromise on your ethics in such a serious way. You’re saddened but have no regrets.
<span class="stat">-- Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">++ Morals</span>
[[At least Ali agrees with you->FC21]]</div></div>(set: $wellbeing to it -20)(set: $morals to it +20)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You don’t feel very good about it, and you are going against your gut feeling but you’ve committed to trying. Ali is pretty upset that this is going ahead.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">-- Morals</span>
[[Ali stops coming into the studio as much->FC22]]</div></div>(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(set: $morals to it -20)(display: "Stats")
As expected things are not ending well. You and Finn can’t seem to have a civil conversation and almost always end up arguing. He tells you that you’re both being selfish and that you’re holding everything back.
You don’t agree with this, and the situation is in stalemate... Until he announces suddenly that he is leaving.
From one week to the next everything has changed, you were celebrating your 1 year anniversary and now you’re calling your legal contact for advice on how to remove your friend's name from the list of company directors.
Finally a date is picked for his last day, and he announces he's taking a few of your important clients with him... He created those connections anyway so he thinks he has a right to... And you don’t feel like arguing anymore.
[[Things will be different from now->EndFriends2]](display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/FC22.png" alt="FC22" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">A scandal that links this company to some very serious exploitation surfaces and a few damning articles are published. Your company's name is mixed in because you have recently become associated with them.
[[This will be almost impossible to come back from...->EndFriends1]](display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Friend-2-Mirrored.png" alt="LW29" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Anyway just remember that you are always welcome to join us if you ever get bored of the corporate world, we can't pay you much right now but we are confident that things will pick up soon.
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Friend-1.png" alt="LW29.2" align="right" style="margin: 0px 0% 1% 2%" width="30%">Yeah, don't be a stranger, we would love to have you around. You would be a great addition to the studio and it would be really fun!
[[You thank them, you really appreciate their offer, you have a lot to think about->LW30]]{(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'FC2', 'play')(stop: )]}(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">First day back</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/FC9.png" alt="FC9" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">On your way to work you receive a voice message from your friends asking you if you have thought about joining the studio. It's time to make a decision!
[[Ignore it, it's an important day at work->LW34]]
[[Call your friend back, lets do this!->LW35]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You don’t feel like you want to give up a secure job especially now that things are starting to get better at work, you’re happy that your friends have found a direction that suits them but it is not for you.
[[Go into work->LW36]]</div></div><div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You feel a sense of relief and freedom as you accept their offer to join their studio...time to be your own boss.
<span class="stat">++ Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it +20)
[[Hand in your notice->LW38]]</div></div>(set: $studioname to "DATM")(set: $rent to 0)(link:"?")[(dialog: "ANONYMITY, represented by the opening/closing eyes, is a measure of how visible/invisible you are to others. This will decrease if you become more known or even famous in your line of work, while it will increase if you are denied the possibility of showing your potential or if you decide to prioritise the outcome and impact of your work over personal fame.", "Got it")?](link:"?")[(dialog: "ANONYMITY, represented by the opening/closing eyes, is a measure of how visible/invisible you are to others. This will decrease if you become more known or even famous in your line of work, while it will increase if you are denied the possibility of showing your potential or if you decide to prioritise the outcome and impact of your work over personal fame.", "Got it")(display: "HelpbuttonA")]{(live: 0.2s)[(track: 'F35', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You're not sure if you are just lucky or you actually deserve this, but things are definitely going in the right direction!
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[Get working->FC11]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 61)(set: $anonymity to it -10)(set: $wellbeing to it +10){(live: 10s)[(track: 'FC18', 'play')(stop: )]}(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">First anniversary - $studioname</span>
Happy 1 Year Anniversary!
Can you believe it’s already been a year!
The studio has thrown a small get together to celebrate - Sean Paul is blasting, the pringles are flowing, it’s not a very sophisticated affair but you’re all young at heart and old habits die young.
You’re feeling a lot of gratification and pride in your studio, you have all worked hard and sacrificed a lot to get this far and it feels like this is just the beginning.
Finn suddenly calls for a toast and pulls some dangerous moves to mount a stool, maybe he’s a bit too tipsy to stand on a chair…
Whilst he’s cracking jokes and saying nice stuff, he unexpectedly makes an announcement...he’s secured a first meeting with a really big company. They potentially want us to re-design an entire range for them...the only problem is that this company has a bit of a shady history….
You’re not quite sure how to react to this, you gesture to Ali that you want to chat.
[[Hide out in the kitchen together->FC17.2]](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/J9.png" alt="J9" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">The first week of the new job has passed, you have a growing list of tasks that you have been given that you have no idea how to do.
You were given a medium designer role so you have the authority to delegate a few things, but you can’t ask the juniors to do too much or they will just dislike you straight away.
You strongly regret exaggerating on your CV.
[[Make a giant playlist of Youtube tutorials and start at the top->J10]](set: $day to $day +13)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Boss-Mirrored.png" alt="J10" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Hey, listen, we’re having a bit of an issue with the standard of your work. We were under the impression that you had quite a bit of experience but your output just isn’t really matching our expectations.
We know it’s early days, and it takes a bit of time to settle in and learn the way things work here, but the experience gap here is just too obvious and you cannot stay in this position any longer.
Because you have already been inducted into the office and know some people, even though we don’t really need a junior designer, we are happy to offer you that position starting immediately.
What do you think?
[[Absolutely yes, you are lucky they aren’t firing you straight away->J11]]
[[No way, that would be humiliating, you’d rather quit->Choices1]](display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Boss-Mirrored.png" alt="W4" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">So, we need someone to be in direct contact with the client, there aren't a lot of other senior designers who have the time to take this on, and the head designer is far too busy on another big project.
I know it's pretty early for this responsibility but what do you think about taking this on?
You will need to be constantly available to speak with them, in charge of supervision and curation of all the ideation, prototyping and presentations. You will be assigned a few entry level designers and you will have the possibility to take on a couple of interns.
What do you think? Can you handle this?
[[Hell yes!->W5]]
[[Uh that's too much pressure too soon...->W4.1]]{(live: 0.2s)[(track: 'W5', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">It was a big day in the new role, you're buzzing from a mix of excitement and stress... It's wreaking havoc on your bowels.
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>(set: $anonymity to it -10)
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Or maybe it's last night's Mexican...->W6]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 7)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
It's the first sit down meeting with your newly assigned client.
Emily LeSink and the company she's representing are commissioning your studio for a new series of domestic white goods, they want to "change the way people look at their domestic appliances", "push the limit", "think outside the box" and "take it to the next level", meanwhile maintain the extremely strict size and safety standards that are in place.
You nod slowly and say that it sounds doable... Although you're certainly not sure about that.
[[Secretly freak out ->W7]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">The adrenaline is still flowing hours after your first ever one on one client meeting... You think your colleagues suspect you’ve ingested some illegal stimulants.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[It’s an all natural high baby->W8]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 2)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
(display: (either: ...$clientcards))<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/CC1.png" alt="CC1" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">It's the 6th time that you have been asked to review the radius of the 3rd knob from the left on the control panel, and you are starting to doubt that your client even notices the difference between the changes you are making.
[[Skip lunch to work on it->W9]]
[[Ignore their request and don't make any changes, in the next proposal change the file name from 'updatedproposal5' to 'updatedproposal6'->W10]]
(set: $clientcards to $clientcards - (a: "CC1"))You've just received some feedback on your team's most recent proposal, the client responded generally positively but mentioned that they want it to be a bit more "dynamic" and that it's missing a bit of "pizzazz"...
[[You google "pizzazz" and try to understand how you could incorporate such a vague adjective into your household appliance concept series->W9]]
(set: $clientcards to $clientcards - (a: "CC2"))Your client calls you up on a Friday afternoon very excited, almost out of breath, with a new idea that sounds like a completely different concept for the project altogether. It's rather worrying as you've already spent considerable time in the direction that you have agreed upon.
[[You call off your plans for the weekend... Grandma's 90th birthday celebration will have to wait->W9]]
[[You pretend you didn't hear their suggestion and change topic->W10]]
(set: $clientcards to $clientcards - (a: "CC3"))At the next meeting with your client, they present you with a "reference" picture that shows an overly hyped piece of design... It's pretty different from everything you have been doing so far...
[[Pretend to agree, do nothing and then blame the intern for losing the picture->W10]]
[[Prepare a presentation on why having a unique aesthetic that isn't following a current trend is a better direction for this project ->W9]]
(set: $clientcards to $clientcards - (a: "CC4"))Your boss stops you in the corridor and tells you that you need to help out with another project that is really tanking. You already have too much to do on your own project but you have no choice but to agree to help.
[[Instead of trying to re-organise your team, just ditch your client project for a while to win a bit of favour with your boss->W10]]
[[Add some overtime to your overtime and work on both projects->W9]]
(set: $clientcards to $clientcards - (a: "CC5"))<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/CC6.png" alt="CC6" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">You receive an unexpected email from your client requesting that the project is completed 4 weeks sooner than agreed upon. This seems incredibly unrealistic and instantly increases your blood pressure.
[[Reply to the email saying: DELIVERY FAILURE and block them for a few days->W10]]
[[Patiently try to reason with them, explaining that the outcome will be severely compromised and that all good things come to those who wait->W9]]
(set: $clientcards to $clientcards - (a: "CC6"))<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">(display: (either: ...$goodcards))
(if:visits >= 4)[(link: "Continue")[(goto: "W11")]](else:)[(link: "Continue")[(goto: "W8")]]</div></div><div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">(display: (either: ...$badcards))
(if:visits >= 3)[(link: "Continue")[(goto: "W12")]](else:)[(link: "Continue")[(goto: "W8")]]</div></div>You send some updated material to your client at 5am on a Sunday, your commitment to the project is duly noted.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
(set: $goodcards to $goodcards - (a: "GC1"))(set: $day to $day + 1)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(set: $morals to it +10)You spend the rest of the day in a back and forth with the client trying to understand exactly what they mean - you're still completely confused but your patience is appreciated.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it -10)
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
(set: $goodcards to $goodcards - (a: "GC2"))(set: $day to $day + 2)(set: $morals to it +10)Luckily you stayed back to work on this project, you catch one of the junior designers using the expensive 3D printing filament on their personal project: a 1:1 scale dog house. Now you have an endless open favour to call on.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
(set: $goodcards to $goodcards - (a: "GC3"))(set: $day to $day + 3)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $morals to it +10)You spontaneously video chat with your client to resolve some of their concerns as soon as possible, they feel well looked after.
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
(set: $goodcards to $goodcards - (a: "GC4"))(set: $day to $day + 2)(set: $anonymity to it -10)(set: $morals to it +10)You ditch work after lunch, telling your team that you need to do an onsite visit at one of the manufacturers, but really you're going to get some overdue pedicure work done.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
(set: $badcards to $badcards - (a: "BC1"))(set: $day to $day + 1)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $morals to it -10)You left the interns to finish up on a very important detail of the final model so that you can demolish in the Wednesday night pub quiz. You're kind of sure they'll be able to manage it.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
(set: $badcards to $badcards - (a: "BC2"))(set: $day to $day + 2)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $morals to it -10){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'BC3', 'play')(stop: )]}You disappear for a few days, becoming completely untraceable... You say that it's part of your creative process.
<span class="stat">+ Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
(set: $badcards to $badcards - (a: "BC3"))(set: $day to $day + 3)(set: $anonymity to it +10)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(set: $morals to it -10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Whew... It was a rollercoaster ride of a project but you are confident you have something the client will be happy with.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[Get ready for your final presentation->W14]]</div></div>(set: $day to $day + 3)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Your mysterious disappearances and general lack of focus didn't go unnoticed by your client and they found another consultancy to work with.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>
[[Not a good start...->W13]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 3)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(set: $morals to it -10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/LW3.png" alt="LW3" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">You and your team absolutely smash the final project presentation, there was a tense moment when the projector froze because your intern spilled a cup of water on the powerboard but you remained unphased, and continued your proposal like nothing was going wrong. Your fast thinking and OCD backup habits came to the rescue when you pulled out your tablet and continued there.
You didn't know if it was the far lower definition of the image quality making everything look like smooth plain blobs or if they just felt sorry for you, but everyone seemed highly impressed and the client pretty much signed up for their next collection straight away.
The head designer also happened to be present wearing the usual ambiguous facial expression, he throws you a gesture that suggests he wants to chat.
[[Go and find out what he wants->W15]](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Boss-Mirrored.png" alt="W13" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">It looks like that was too much pressure for you too soon, I thought you were going to be able to handle it but I was wrong.
I'm partly blaming myself as I thought you could manage but you're going to have to work hard to show me that you can stay on top of things if you are going to be able to stay in this position, otherwise you will be back to working in a support role for other senior designers' projects permanently.
[[..Gulp->W16]](display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Head-Designer-Mirrored.png" alt="W15" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Hey, congratulations on today, it was touch and go there but you handled yourself like a pro, it shows a lot of strength in your character!
Say, you're probably feeling pretty wrecked and spun out, I remember the conclusion of my first project, it certainly didn't go as well as yours did.
Are you up for a celebration drink tonight?
[[Oooff, that's not exactly a relaxing prospect, but you can't really turn it down... Sure!->W18]]
[[No way, you have grand plans of nothing tonight and you're looking forward to it->W19]]{(live: 1.5s)[(track: 'W18', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You hope the night isn't as awkward as the silent journey to the front of the building together... You haven't got the mental energy to sustain conversations about nothing
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[So...->W20]]</div></div>(set: $wellbeing to it -10){(live: 1.2s)[(track: 'W19', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You order yourself take-out, but you fall asleep soon after ordering, you wake up 3 hours later to a bag of cold tandoori chicken on your doorstep.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[Best night ever->W25.2]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 3)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(display: "Stats")
You both grab a taxi and head into an area that looks like it should never be explored after dark, you end up in an obscure underground club that is blasting industrial electronic music, of course.
After a few free-poured cocktails you and the head designer are loosening up (well you are, he's the most relaxed person you've ever met) and chatting about the stuff you have in common, mostly work.
He suddenly drops a big one when he announces he is leaving to start his own one man show and he thinks he'll be able to skim quite a few of the clients.
[[Well that came out of nowhere...->W21]](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
It's a day like any other at the office, when you suddenly hear what seems to be your boss and the head designer having a pretty aggressive argument.
Shortly after the head designer walks past your office, says "good luck" with a weird smile on his face, and marches out of the building with a handful of stationery and a computer screen.
Your boss calls you in her office...
(if:(history:) contains "W23")[[[Go->W25.4]]](else:)[[[Go->W25.3]]]{(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'W21', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">After throwing back a few more cocktails you hit the dancefloor, the head designer is throwing moves that you didn't think were physically possible
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[It's a bit disturbing->W22]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 3)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
It's Monday and it took you the whole weekend to feel even 50% normal after last Friday night... You spot the head designer on your way into the office and he looks energetic and refreshed.
Seeing him reminds you of what he told you when you were out together and it makes you feel pretty conflicted inside. It's not a crime to leave your job, but you think it actually might be pretty frowned upon to poach clients.
You like this job for now and you don't want to see the company compromised because of his actions, but also you don't want to be seen as a snitch.
You see your boss walking past your office.
[[Tell your boss->W23]]
[[Don't tell your boss->W24]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You lay it all out, and she's obviously pretty upset but remains very quiet.
<span class="stat">++ Morals</span>
[[Try to think of an excuse to leave the room->W25]]</div></div>(set: $day to $day + 1)(set: $morals to it +20)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You've already started calling your boss as you decide to not tell her, that's awkward.. Now you're going to have to quickly think of something else.
<span class="stat">-- Morals</span>
[[Crazy weather today right?->W25]]</div></div>(set: $day to $day + 1)(set: $morals to it -20)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
You bury yourself in the tasks that you've been given, you need to redeem yourself or you will never get any further along in your career in this company.
After some epicly long nights and weekends of work you suddenly see an opportunity that could be your saving grace, a potentially untapped market for your company to tap into: a protective enclosure for your mobile phone!
[[Guess you've never heard of a phone cover..->W17]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Your boss is extremely happy with the outcome of your research - you've basically created a whole bunch of projects for yourself.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[Guess your boss has also never heard of a phone cover..->W25.2]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 3)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You can hardly believe this has happened, you're a mix of excitement, nervousness and nauseousness.
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>
[[Facetime your mum!->W27]]</div></div>(set: $day to $day + 2)(set: $anonymity to it -10)(set: $wellbeing to it +10)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/W27.png" alt="W37" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">You've been thrown in the deep end with this sudden new job role: the hand over period was basically non-existent as the previous head designer didn't leave on the best of terms...
You struggle through the multiple unfinished projects that he had open simultaneously, was this guy a freak of nature or just insanely unorganised?
You notice one particular correspondence that is really worrying, the most important client of the company is asking for an update on the development of a product line for them, and you haven't heard of anything that sounds remotely like what they are asking for and messing this up could seriously compromise the company.
You are freaking out and thinking very bad thoughts about the head designer.
What will you do?
[[Try to solve the problem, taking on the responsibility and potentially some of the blame, it could be a lot of overtime but losing the client is worse->W28]]
[[Ignore this problem, all the emails are addressed to the previous head designer anyway and you don't want to take the hit for him. You could just pass it off to a senior designer and hope they can figure it out, maybe even swoop in at the end and save the day?->W29]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">It feels like everything is coming crashing down around as you hear from your boss that the client just wasn't satisfied with your attempt to fix this situation.
<span class="stat">-- Wellbeing</span>
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>
[[You feel terrible but you tried your best->W30]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 7)(set: $wellbeing to it -20)(set: $morals to it +10)<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Out of sight, out of mind, you have a lot of other stuff to worry about - let alone someone else's mistakes.
<span class="stat">-- Morals</span>
[[It wasn't me...->W30]]</div></div>
(set: $day to $day + 7)(set: $morals to it -20)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
The past weeks have been disastrous and the boss is keeping a close eye on you.
You're finally given a completely new project to organise and run, you are in charge of every detail and it's a great chance for you to show what you can bring.
[[It's go time!->W31]](display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Boss-Mirrored.png" alt="W31" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Alright so here’s your next task, it’s a pretty big one so listen well.
We’ve been approached by representatives from PAGE ONE, and they want to invest in and expand an entirely new and different product range to what they are currently catering towards, with little experience in this market. They are basically planning to double their product range in one go, involving a massive amount of investment on their behalf and A LOT of work on ours.
This is a major opportunity for us, how do you want to handle it?
[[Wow this is great! Considering our recent difficulties in delivering good results to our clients, I think we have to make the most of this situation: PAGE ONE is incredibly wealthy and knows very little of how much is needed to conclude a project like this one. Let's just drag it on as much as possible and try to milk them. That might give us better chances to keep the company afloat.->W33]]
[[This sounds awesome but I have some doubts on the suitability of their already established brand to this completely new target market. I can start working with the team on this but we can't force things together. We don't want the company to be associated to a weird commercial stunt that ends badly. Sometimes what's best for the client is to realise they shouldn't proceed.->W32]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">It’s not in anyone’s best interest to waste time and money on a project that doesn’t make sense.
<span class="stat">++ Morals</span>(set: $morals to it +20)
[[Right?->W34]]</div></div><div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">This could be a gold mine for AWL design, PAGE ONE wouldn’t feel the loss anyway, they are loaded.
<span class="stat">-- Morals</span>(set: $morals to it -20)
[[Right?->W35]]</div></div>(display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Boss-Mirrored.png" alt="W31" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">I'm so happy to hear this from you. It's always hard to make these types of decisions, especially when this amount of money is at stake.
I've been conflicted about this for the past few weeks and hearing you supporting what I think is fundamentally right is just what I needed.
We might lose this client but the vision of AWL design will remain on its tracks, and finally there is someone like you that can guarantee this will not change.
[[To new beginnings->EndCompany]](display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Boss-Mirrored.png" alt="W31" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">I was afraid you would say something like this... I don't think this is going to work unfortunately.
You seem to have developed a very different vision to the one of AWL design and I simply can't keep you as head designer, or it would deeply affect our image and reputation.
You're going to have to step down to a lower position.
[[The previous head designer was right in leaving, there is no space to grow in a place like this! If I understand this situation better than you it probably means I don't need a boss at all! I'll open my own studio, with my own clients and my own approach. You'll remember me when you go bankrupt and my name dominates the design scene!->EndStar]]
[[I worked too hard to move back to a lower position of a job that frankly gives me very little... Being a designer isn't at all as exciting or fun as I immagined, it's just another office job. I'd rather quit and rethink my future.->Quitdesign]]<span style="font-size: 54px">You decide to call it quits</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/End-Quit-Design.png" alt="EndQuit" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">The design industry isn’t your jam, which is fine, although you wished you had figured this out earlier...but it’s all about the journey not the destination, right?
Office politics, market research, mindless hours on the computer...this isn’t the lifestyle you thought you signed up for.
You would rather play out a scenario that offers instant gratification, not a 2 year design project where you hardly receive any credit or money and you feel like you’ve aged 15 years in the meantime.
You get a job at a hardware store, your expertise in physical components won’t go to waste and in this way you’ll be guiding the general public, spreading the good word of autonomy in the world of mass manufactured consumer products.
You stay in this job for 20-30-40 years, the benefits are surprisingly good! The weekend and holiday rates are even better! And you’re a part of a team that doesn’t scoff at you if you haven’t read the latest Dezeen article 10 seconds after it was released.
You die a legend of the local branch, the most helpful and overqualified employee yet. <3
[[The End->Credits]](link:"?")[(dialog: "WELLBEING represents the combination of your physical and mental health.
Make sure your WELLBEING doesn't drop to zero, things could get pretty grim at that point. ", "Got it")?](link:"?")[(dialog: "WELLBEING represents the combination of your physical and mental health.
Make sure your WELLBEING doesn't drop to zero, things could get pretty grim at that point. ", "Got it")(display: "HelpbuttonW")](link:"?")[(dialog: "MORALS is a measure of how evil/good you are, it represents the morality behind your decisions and life choices.
If your MORALS are high, you might have a boost in WELLBEING. On the other hand you will experience a WELLBEING decrease if your MORALS become questionable.", "Got it")?](link:"?")[(dialog: "MORALS is a measure of how evil/good you are, it represents the morality behind your decisions and life choices.
If your MORALS are high, you might have a boost in WELLBEING. On the other hand you will experience a WELLBEING decrease if your MORALS become questionable.", "Got it")(display: "HelpbuttonM")]<span style="font-size: 54px">Whoops!</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/End-Wellbeing.png" alt="EndWellbeing" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">You forgot to look after yourself, and now you’re dead.
Maybe ignoring your doctor’s recurring letters regarding your test results wasn’t such a good idea, but you were too busy dealing with your life to even notice your overflowing mailbox.
It’s funny how these things happen: one moment you are enjoying a pack of tortilla chips on your couch watching reruns of How It's Made, the moment after you’re dead on the floor covered in salsa.
By the time someone comes to investigate your sudden disappearance, your cat has kindly licked all the food off your face and made you somewhat presentable, if it wasn’t for the terrible smell...
Sad way to go...but it happens.
[[The End->Credits]]<span style="font-size: 54px">You've sunk low, really low</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/End-Morals.png" alt="EndMorals" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">You can’t tell right from wrong anymore, or at least you pretend you can’t. People around you feel so insignificant, they’re nothing but rungs on a ladder on your way to the top.
You don’t belong in a team environment let alone around people at all. You’re obviously only in it for yourself, and you don’t try to hide it.
Your friends stop inviting you to go out and your mom doesn’t seem to get in touch as much as she used to try to, even your cat hisses at you whenever you come close to her. She’ll come around when she’s starving...
One day a random cyclist bumps into the side mirror of your car as you wait at a traffic light. You snap. You chase him down the street and push him off the road, sending him to the hospital probably newly paraplegic.
You get arrested, and thrown into prison, but you really don’t give a damn, infact now you’re in your element. Your psychopathic tendencies have helped you rise to the top of a feared prison gang. It’s the most power you've ever had.
[[The End->Credits]](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
It's a day like any other at the office, when you suddenly hear what seems to be your boss and the head designer having a pretty aggressive argument.
Shortly after the head designer walks past your office, says "good luck" with a weird smile on his face, and marches out of the building with a handful of stationery and a computer screen.
Your boss calls you in his office..
[[What the hell is happening?->W25.3]](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Boss-Mirrored.png" alt="W25.3" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">I can't believe this, that bloody idiot decided to just leave and take with him all of our best clients. Apparently he has "a better vision", well good luck with that backstabber!
Anyway, he's out, dead, water under the bridge, now you're in! I know you don't have much experience but I really have no choice at this point if I want to keep the few clients we have left. I need results right now, can you do it?
[[It doesn't really seem like you have a choice, but it is an amazing opportunity so...yes!->W26]](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Boss-Mirrored.png" alt="W25.4" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Hey, so well as you can probably guess the head designer has left - I confronted him about taking some of our clients with him, he denied everything of course, but he mentioned your name so it looks like he knows that it was you that told me... Sorry I couldn't avoid that.
The good thing is, because you warned me that he was planning on leaving I had some extra time to think over who could replace him, unfortunately the notice period is non-existent because he has just stormed out and won't be working basically from today.
So the good news is: I would like you to be his replacement, I know that it's sudden but it can also be taken as a trial period, and if you aren't up to it, then you can return to senior designer.
You would really be doing me a favour by stepping in straight away, will you do it?
[[It doesn't really seem like you have a choice, but it is an amazing opportunity so... Yes!->W26]]<span style="font-size: 54px">Making a difference</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/End-Friends-1.png" alt="EndFriend2" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">It takes you and Ali a few months to stabilise the financial status of your studio, but powering through this together made you acutely aware of how important this has become for both of you and has somehow redefined in your minds what your vision is for the future of this studio.
You both come to the conclusion that the future of your discipline is in effective collaboration across sectors, and cultures.
Years go by as you support your ideals with outcomes, making your studio a space for people with different knowledge to share and work together, a place where responsibilities are distributed horizontally and the priority is the impact of its collective outcomes. You’re all individually unknown by the general public, but your identity is represented and shaped by your constant efforts to have a positive impact on the fabric of society.
More and more people start associating with what you’re working towards and slowly but steadily your studio grows in size and in reach, to the point that you are only a very small part of what this is all about: this is more than a brand or a business, this is a movement.
After all this time you feel like you’re finally making a difference.
[[The End->Credits]]<span style="font-size: 54px">It’s all about the benjamin$ baby</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/End-Friends-2-1.png" alt="EndFriend1" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">Soon after the article, you notice that a few of your clients stop answering your calls and for various reasons several ongoing projects seem to terminate more abruptly than you anticipated. I guess not everyone likes being involved with a questionable business like yours. Your business was steady but not strong enough to take a hit like this, and your accountant warns you that a foreclosure is in the very near future.
But as they say, any publicity is good publicity, and you receive a sudden burst of interest from clients with a keen interest in your company helping them capitalise on cheap labour, non-renewable resources and all things morally questionable. All uneasiness is swept away by the $$$ at the end of the contracts and you pick up a healthy drinking habit that seems to go hand in hand with your repressed guilt...at least you can afford the expensive stuff.
Ali leaves the studio soon after you start signing the mega corp contracts, not wanting anything to do with these ‘new clients’. Too bad your own moral compass doesn’t seem to get the hint.
Now you’re living the self-made entrepreneurial dream, big brands, big projects, big contracts, big everything...Capitalism for the win...
[[The End->Credits]]<span style="font-size: 54px">An honest lifetime's work</span>
You’re a role model for stability and consistency as you live out the rest of your working days in the Head Designer position for AWL design.
Over the years you have managed to work very well with your boss and have built a design company that is trusted, a company with a clear and respected vision.
Not many people know your name outside of your small company network, but a lot of people make use of your products on a daily basis, and that's enough for you. You don’t need personal recognition to feel like you have achieved success as a designer.
It’s not the life of the party, but it's a satisfying job and one that you think can still bring good things to the world.
As you get older and retire from full-time work, you start having frequent visits from young designers, filmmakers and design journalists asking you about your work and your philosophy. Apparently you have been more of an inspiration that you realised to others.
You don’t mind the unexpected attention, but the thing you appreciate the most of this new dynamic is having lots of different and interesting people to talk to. Afterall all, the elderly love narrating stories from their past...
[[The End->Credits]]<span style="font-size: 54px">10 years later</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/End-Star-Designer.png" alt="EndStar" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">The impulsive claim you made on that distant day has now become true. You've reached the pinnacle of your one person show and now you are a "star designer", with your giant face on the cover of every design publication around.
Fame and fortune are yours, you spend your days doodling incomprehensible sketches and demanding that your minions turn them into products worthy of your signature. You haven’t even bothered learning their names and just call them by their hair or shirt colour that day, firing or promoting anyone based on your unpredictable mood swings.
You are the opposite of anonymous, people recognise you at fairs, events and even on the street sometimes. Everyone is so damn friendly, but you don't really feel like you have any friends.
People keep agreeing with you but you don't really even know what you are talking about anymore. Your speeches are just a string of buzzwords you coined in rapid succession, yet people still clap and clap.
You are now a part of the machine, just another symbol of what design ‘inspiration’ looks like. You are called a "visionary" and even a "revolutionary" of design, but the only thing you have managed to change is the living room decor of some wealthy consumers, ready to bin your work as soon as the next trend squishes you.
[[The End->Credits]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You have to crawl before you can walk...
<span class="stat">+ Anonymity</span>
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>
[[Swallow your pride->LW1.2]]</div></div>(set: $anonymity to it +10)(set: $wellbeing to it -10)(set: $day to 1){(live: 1s)[(track: 'LW1', 'play')(stop: )]}(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 1</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LW1-AND-LW1.2-.png" alt="LW1.2" align="right" style="margin: 0px 0% 1% 2%" width="30%">You are greeted with some stares and awkward silences... This is going to be rough.
Your desk might be right next to the toilet and you're sitting across from someone who has a nose whistle, but you are happy to have a job.
[[Start earning just enough to pay for your own Netflix->LW2]](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - Job Level 2</span>
(display: (either: ...$friendcards))<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">(display: (either: ...$fgoodcards))
(if:visits >= 4)[(link: "Continue")[(goto: "FC17")]](else:)[(link: "Continue")[(goto: "FC16.2")]]</div></div><div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">(display: (either: ...$fbadcards))
(if:visits >= 3)[(link: "Continue")[(goto: "FC16.5")]](else:)[(link: "Continue")[(goto: "FC16.2")]]</div></div>You notice some sketches pinned up in the workspace of the studio intern, they look pretty interesting and could be very relevant to add to the ideation of the latest project that the studio is working on.
You’re a bit overworked and have been feeling pretty uninspired lately, you are starting to get anxious that your friends don’t think you add much value to the design phase.
[[Invite the intern to share them at the next meeting->FC16.3]]
[[Take a quick phone photo of the sketches and present them as your own->FC16.4]]
(set: $friendcards to $friendcards - (a: "FT1"))Project Max is taking over your life, you are all working hellishly long hours and you’ve completely abandoned everything else important in your life. Your colleague's partner calls you one day, upset that they suspect unfaithful behaviour, they’ve heard them mentioning Max a few times and want to know if you know this person.
[[Re-assure them that it’s just the name of the project and they’ll have their partner back soon->FC16.3]]
[[Play dumb as a prank to your friend, let’s see how this plays out->FC16.4]]
(set: $friendcards to $friendcards - (a: "FT2"))A few months back Ali was struggling through a bit of a financial crisis, you offered to cover some rent until things felt more comfortable. You noticed they recently bought a new computer... Where’d they get the money for that?
[[Let it slide for a little while longer... You’re a trusting person->FC16.3]]
[[Hide Ali’s new computer until you get your money back... You are not a doormat to be stepped all over->FC16.4]]
(set: $friendcards to $friendcards - (a: "FT3")){(live: 0.1s)[(track: 'FC9', 'play')(stop: )]}You pick up the office phone for the first time in forever (where's the intern?) and it’s a potential new client who is looking for a quick turnaround on a job and is willing to pay more to get it done faster. It’s well within your capabilities to do it yourself.
[[Don’t tell the others and keep the client for yourself - easy money and you need a new bike->FC16.4]]
[[Run it by the others, you’re all in this together->FC16.3]]
(set: $friendcards to $friendcards - (a: "FT4"))A client that you have been ghosting visits the studio unexpectedly, you have never met them in person and they seem really mad.
[[Pretend to be the intern and say that you don’t know anything->FC16.4]]
[[Take responsibility and hear them out->FC16.3]]
(set: $friendcards to $friendcards - (a: "FT5"))Your personal life is in crisis and it’s mostly because you just have no time to do anything else but work. An extremely important deadline is looming but you feel like you are accelerating towards an epic breakdown if you don’t start looking after yourself. Your friends are also very overworked but for some reason you’re taking it a bit harder.
[[This is supposed to fun, take some personal time this week->FC16.4]]
[[Suffer through... Mental instability looks good on you->FC16.3]]
(set: $friendcards to $friendcards - (a: "FT6"))Your magic 8 ball says: all signs point to yes... You knew you made the right choice!
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>(set: $morals to it +10)
(set: $fgoodcards to $fgoodcards - (a: "FG1"))
(set: $day to $day + 1)Your therapist agrees with your decision and it’s not just because you pay them to.
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>(set: $morals to it +10)
(set: $fgoodcards to $fgoodcards - (a: "FG2"))
(set: $day to $day + 2){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'FG3', 'play')(stop: )]}That night you dream you receive the key to the city of Agartha... That's a good omen.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it +10)
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>(set: $morals to it +10)
(set: $fgoodcards to $fgoodcards - (a: "FG3"))
(set: $day to $day + 3){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'FG4', 'play')(stop: )]}You’re proud of yourself, time to indulge in some laser tag.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it +10)
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>(set: $morals to it +10)
(set: $fgoodcards to $fgoodcards - (a: "FG4"))
(set: $day to $day + 3){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'FB1', 'play')(stop: )]}You feel guilty and drown your regretti in spaghetti... It's a deep hole and you overeat way too much.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it -10)
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>(set: $morals to it -10)
(set: $fbadcards to $fbadcards - (a: "FB1"))
(set: $day to $day + 2){(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'FB2', 'play')(stop: )]}That night whilst watching a movie, you laugh along with the maniac evil character... What’s happening to you?
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>(set: $morals to it -10)
(set: $fbadcards to $fbadcards - (a: "FB2"))
(set: $day to $day + 3)That night you check your phone... 13 missed calls from Finn... I guess they can’t take a hint. You turn off your phone.
<span class="stat">- Morals</span>(set: $morals to it -10)
(set: $fbadcards to $fbadcards - (a: "FB3"))
(set: $day to $day + 3)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">Day $day - $studioname</span>
Over the past few weeks you’ve been acting like a total jerk and your friends have had enough.
One evening, they lure you to some after dinner drinks, which turns outs to be a disguise for an intervention about your attitude problem.
[[You suddenly feel guilty...decide to take the path of redemption->FC16.6]]
[[This is lame, you quit the studio dramatically, this rebelliousness has come out of nowhere->Choices1]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">As weeks go by, you finally start to recognise yourself again.
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it +10)
<span class="stat">+ Morals</span>(set: $morals to it +10)
[[You’re happy you stayed->FC17]]</div></div>(display: "Stats")
Everyone around is really excited but you’re both still in shock, this is kind of a moral dilemma that you didn’t realise was going to come up by having your own studio, you both thought that you were all on the exact same page when it came to doing things in a particular way... Even if it was a bit harder to survive.
You feel like everyone is going to hate you if you say you’re not happy with this, and it could bring in a lot of money and resources that you all desperately need to take things to the next level... But this partnership goes against so much of what you strive for.
It’s true that this is just one bad client and it isn’t forever, just the duration of the project.
[[Finn enters the kitchen->FC18]](display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LW36.png" alt="LW36" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">The Milan debrief goes very well, your boss is very enthusiastic about the results and surprises you all with an impromptu office party afterwards to celebrate the success.
Everyone’s giving you good vibes and back slaps, and you’re feeling more accepted than usual, one person even says congratulations on the promotion.
[[What promotion?->LW37]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Turns out you got promoted! Even though you’ve only been around for a short while, it seems like your boss is willing to take a chance on you after your performance in Milan.
<span class="stat">- Anonymity</span>(set: $anonymity to it -10)
<span class="stat">+ Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it +10)
[[Winning->W1]]</div></div>(set: $day to 1)(display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">You Joined $studioname</span>
You’re on your first visit to the studio, your friends are showing you around the space...definitely a lot less resources than (if:(history:) contains "FQ1")[you used to have at your previous job](else:)[you’re used to].
(if:(history:) contains "FQ1")[They can only offer you a fairly low salary, but it's a lot better than being unemployed](else:)[Your salary is lower as well but you knew all of this before you signed up for it...the positives still outweigh the negatives].
Your friends explain to you that there's an upcoming design show and they were thinking that this could be a chance for your studio to participate and start working together on something. Time to show the world what you are capable of and get your studio's name out there!
You feel really in tune with the others from the very beginning, as you start putting together your presentation and prototyping.
[[This feels great->F26]](display: "Stats")
<span style="font-size: 54px">First day back at the office</span>
You really needed those days off after Milan, you are still tired but you're happy to get back to your routine.
You see people heading over to the meeting room and remember about the post-Milan debrief.
[[Join the others->LW36]](display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Choices-2.png" alt="Choices2" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">You're at a crossroads, what's next?
(if:(history: where its name contains "Fired2") is (a:))[[[Look for a paid designer position->J1]]](if:(history:) contains "G1")[[[Take another year off->G1]]](else:)[[Take a year off->G1]](if:(history: where its name contains "LW2" or "F3" or "FC16.5" or "J10" or "S1" or "W1") is (a:))[[[Study further->S1]]](if:(history: where its name contains "F1" or "FC16.5") is (a:))[[[See what your university friends are doing->F0]]]
[[Find a random job, the design industry is not for you!->Quitdesign]](display: "Stats")
Looks like that was more of an order than a question: your boss doesn't appreciate your uncommited attitude and fires you on the spot.. Damn!
That was really unexpected and catches you off guard, there's only two options that come to mind for your next step:
[[Try to reconnect with your friends, their proposal to work together sounds pretty good right now->W4.2]]
[[You're done with this. The infinite hours of purposeless sketching, modelling, rendering, buzzword-filled meetings, mediocre outcomes and fake smiles have made you realise one thing: design sucks->Quitdesign]](display: "Stats")
After a few hours spent trying to draft a message to Finn and Ali (if:(history:) contains "FQ1")[(who you definitely haven't kept in touch with as much as you should have)](else:)[(with whom you're not keeping in touch as much as you really should and you've been ghosting for a while)], you just settle for a safe "Hey!".
Your friends reply straight away and they are energetic and enthusiastic. You're lucky they're nicer people than you!
[[Meet them at their studio->LW38]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">Really? That didn’t end so well last time...
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it -10)
[[Send more CVs instead->J2.2]]</div></div><div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">The person who answered your call said they’d pass the message on...guess you just have to wait some more.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it -10)
[[Send more CVs instead->J2.3]]</div></div><div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">This time it seems like they’ve blocked your number...you should probably stop calling.
<span class="stat">+ Anonymity</span>(set: $anonymity to it +10)
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it -10)
[[Send more CVs instead->J3]]</div></div><div class="statusboxparent"><div class="statusbox1"><div id="wellbeing-bar"><div class="bar"></div></div></div><div class="statusbox2">{(if: $anonymity >69)[<img class="stat" src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/eyes-0.png" alt="eyes0">](else-if: $anonymity is 60)[<img class="stat" src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/eyes-1.png" alt="eyes1">](else-if: $anonymity is 50)[<img class="stat" src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/eyes-2.png" alt="eyes2">](else-if: $anonymity is 40)[<img class="stat" src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/eyes-3.png" alt="eyes3">](else-if: $anonymity is 30)[<img class="stat" src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/eyes-4.png" alt="eyes4">](else-if: $anonymity is 20)[<img class="stat" src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/eyes-5.png" alt="eyes5">](else-if: $anonymity is 10)[<img class="stat" src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/eyes-6.png" alt="eyes6">](else-if: $anonymity < 1)[<img class="stat" src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/eyes-7.png" alt="eyes7">]}</div><div class="statusbox3"><div id="morals-bar"><div class="bar"></div></div></div></div>
<div class="statusboxparent"><div class="statusbox1"><span id="parameter">Wellbeing (link:"?")[(dialog: "WELLBEING represents the combination of your physical and mental health. Make sure your WELLBEING doesn't drop to zero, things could get pretty grim at that point. ", "Got it")(display: "HelpbuttonW2")]</span></div><div class="statusbox2"><span id="parameter" style="text-align:center;">Anonymity (link:"?")[(dialog: "ANONYMITY, represented by the opening/closing eyes, is a measure of how visible/invisible you are to others. This will decrease if you become more known or even famous in your line of work, while it will increase if you are denied the possibility of showing your potential or if you decide to prioritise the outcome and impact of your work over personal fame.", "Got it")(display: "HelpbuttonA2")]</span></div><div class="statusbox3"><span id="parameter">Morals (link:"?")[(dialog: "MORALS is a measure of how evil/good you are, it represents the morality behind your decisions and life choices. If your MORALS are high, you might have a boost in WELLBEING. On the other hand you will experience a WELLBEING decrease if your MORALS become questionable.", "Got it")(display: "HelpbuttonM2")]</span></div></div>
{(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'F0', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">After a bit of Facebook stalking you message them, asking what they are up to and whether or they are still interested in chatting about that independent studio proposition... They reply and organise to meet up.
[[Hopefully they're still keen->F1]]</div></div>(unless: (track: 'soundtrack', 'isplaying'))[(track: 'soundtrack', 'volume', 0.1)(track: 'StandardButton', 'volume', 0.7)(track: 'soundtrack', 'loop', true)(track: 'soundtrack', 'playwhenpossible')]<span style="font-size: 54px">First Night After Graduation</span>
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Intro-1.2.png" alt="Intro1.2" align="left" style="margin: 0px 0px 2% 0px" width="100%">You decide to leave before things move to the club: dinner with your classmates was excessive to say the least and the last thing you feel like is shaking your body around.
You wave to them and start heading home by foot, too late for public transport anyway.
You feel old in turning down an opportunity to party, but I guess you are a bit older than them and you can't really risk missing your first day at your new job tomorrow. Or at least these are the excuses you comfort yourself with as you finally reach your place...
[[Go in and get some rest->Intro2.2]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You get woken up multiple times by your friend's group chat: it seems like their night was pretty wild.
At 6am you receive a 20 minute long voice message containing mixture of incomprehensible wailing and laughing, and you decide that it's not really worth getting back to bed.
<span class="stat">- Wellbeing</span>(set: $wellbeing to it -10)
[[Get ready and go to work->LW1]]</div></div>(display: "Stats")
You're finally free from your boring job but for some reason it feels a lot worse than you imagined...
You fall into a lethargic state for days, surviving on only microwave meals and exploring corners of internet you don't think should exist. Your health app reminds you that your average steps per day are right around 20 but you don't really care...
During a marathon stalking session on social media, you stumble across your old friends from university Ali and Finn. It seems like things did actually come together for them and they did open that studio they offered you to be a part of some years back. You wonder if they still remember you, maybe this is an opportunity?
[[Get in touch and ask to work together->W4.2]]
[[Nah, you've had enough of the design world->Quitdesign]]{(live: 0.8s)[(track: 'FC2', 'play')(stop: )]}(display: "Stats")
<img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/FC9.png" alt="FC9" align="left" style="margin: 0px 2% 1% 0px" width="30%">On your way to the fair, you receive an unlikely message from your old friends Ali and Finn.
You haven't seen each other for years, but they noticed that you were in Milan because you proudly exhibited it in an Instagram story, and wanted to let you know they'll also be visiting the fair.
[[It could be nice to catch up on things->LW18.3]]<div class="cardholder"><div class="cardstandard">You're so focused on your phone that you end up bashing your forehead into the chest of a gigantic security guard. He doesn't seem to mind and simply points to the entrance, your head on the other hand is definitely not as unphased by this...
[[Well that was weird, enter the fair->LW18]]</div></div>You made it to 1 of ??? endings (there’s more than a few) !!
We hope this story was thought-provoking aaaand fun...the best kind of fun.
This piece was written, designed and produced by a couple of <a href="https://projektado.com/" target="_blank" style="color: #ff87d3">projektado</a> members, if you enjoyed it why don't you..
(link:"Go again?")[(restart:)](link:"Learn more about this project?")[(open-url: "https://projektado.com/the-good-the-bad-and-the-anonymous/")](link:"Buy us a pizza?")[(open-url: "https://www.buymeacoffee.com/projektado?fbclid=IwAR0EKE3jbyOHj_QPRzcBAzsie41x5iCDxe8lziLrBOCy1ZxClAINjoR07EU")]