(set: $magicballs to (either: (a: "M1", "M2", "M3", "M4", "M5", "M6", "M7", "M8", "M9", "M10")))
(set: $attempts to 0)
}StandardButton: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/StandardButton.mp3
shake: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/8-ball-shake.mp3
MS0: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MS0.mp3
MS1: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MS1.mp3
MS2: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MS2.mp3
MS3: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MS3.mp3
MS4: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MS4.mp3
MS5: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MS5.mp3
MS6: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MS6.mp3
MS7: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MS7.mp3
MS8: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MS8.mp3
MS9: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MS9.mp3
MS10: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MS10.mp3
MS11: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MS11.mp3
MSI1: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MSI1.mp3
MSI2: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MSI2.mp3
MSI3: https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MSI3.mp3
(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<span style="font-size: 1.6em; font-weight: 600;">about the game</span>
Through apparent light-heartedness and ingenuity, Magic 9 Ball explores the deep feelings of uncertainty, disbelief, and confusion that reflecting on our futures seem to overwhelmingly and transcontextually trigger today.
This multimedia piece of interactive narrative fiction guides the player through unexpected, contradictory, and ambiguous choices and scenarios, somewhat trying to find speculative overlaps between utopias and apocalypses, between imagination and reality, between politics and storytelling.
With a playful yet eerie approach, the piece plays on our tendency and reliance towards superstition in times of uncertainty, by borrowing its outlook from the appearance and function of the popular foretelling consumer product, the Magic 8 Ball.
The player is shown glimpses of futures they have a chance to live out, and they’re left to interpret often ambiguous signs as they make consequential decisions. Still, the game criticises both hasty and indecisive players in the message it sends with each ending, creating a sense of paradox regarding the “right” way to play it, aspects of morality, and humanity.
Magic 9 Ball also aims to question academic knowledge and those privileged enough to be its voice, and takes inspiration from folklore, superstition, and all cultural knowledge that has been transmitted through more informal means to encourage more radical ways to create and imagine. The variety and diversity in styles of possible futures throughout the game suggests not only the impact that small efforts can have on a reality, but also in practice to the plurality that we are as a collective of multiple voices, styles, and influences.
The piece doesn’t offer answers but hopefully alternative questions. As we remain trapped in systems that often obfuscate alternatives to presents and futures, sometimes relying on the unknown, on the possibility of something rather than its certainty, makes room for more profound ways of thinking about change and action. A vital exercise, as the scale of our uncertainties has grown to the point of often compromising our ability to understand how to take any impactful action for our collective futures.
This piece was written, designed, and created in Twine by <a class="redacted" href="https://projektado.com/" target="_blank">projektado collective</a> in November 2022.
(link:"start")[(restart:)](live: 1s)[<span class="imgfade" style="font-size: 1.6em; font-weight: 600;">Magic 9 Ball</span>
<div class="container imgfade"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/hands-0-v1.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"><div class="pulsetriangle"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/hands-1-test-1-triangle.png" alt="Triangle" style="width:100%;"></div></div>(live: 2s)[<div class="imgfade">(link-goto: "start", (either: "I1.1", "I1.2", "I1.3"))[(track: 'StandardButton', 'volume', 0.4)(track: 'shake', 'volume', 1)(track: 'MS4', 'volume', 0.4)]
[[about->About]]</div>(stop:)](stop:)](if:$attempts is 0)[(live: 1s)[(dialog: "Ok, that was strange... Things seem to have changed around you the moment you shook this ball… Are you in a dream? Is your mind playing a trick on you? Or is this a possible future you are experiencing?
Lately everything has felt so uncertain… Almost surreal, like anything is possible… What's the harm in finding out what could come next?", "read the message in the ball")(stop:)]](track: 'shake', 'play')(stop: )(if:visits >= 11)[(goto: "MF11")](else:)[(display: (either: ...$magicballs))]
(set: $attempts to $attempts + 1)(enchant:?page,(background:#90c7ff))<div class="M1"><h2 class="fade">the ball says: losing resolution</h2>
<div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/hands-4-v1.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"><div class="triangle"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/hands-4-v1-triangle.png" alt="Triangle" style="width:100%;"></div></div>(if:$attempts is 2)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake3 to (confirm: "Are you sure you don’t want this future?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake3 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 5)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake6 to (confirm: "Careful… It looks like it’s starting to leak, do you really want to keep going?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake6 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 8)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake9 to (confirm: "You’re really pushing your luck… How many shakes does this thing have left?", "stop now", "keep going"))[(if: $shake9 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else:)[(link: "shake again")[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]
(link: "pick this future")[(goto: "MF1")]
(set: $magicballs to $magicballs - (a: "M1"))</div>(enchant:?page,(background:white))<div class="M2"><h2 class="fade">the ball says: you feel a draft.</h2>
<div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/hands-2-v1.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"><div class="triangle"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/hands-2-v1-triangle.png" alt="Triangle" style="width:100%;"></div></div>(if:$attempts is 2)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake3 to (confirm: "Are you sure you don’t want this future?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake3 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 5)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake6 to (confirm: "Careful… It looks like it’s starting to leak, do you really want to keep going?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake6 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 8)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake9 to (confirm: "You’re really pushing your luck… How many shakes does this thing have left?", "stop now", "keep going"))[(if: $shake9 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else:)[(link: "shake again")[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]
(link: "pick this future")[(goto: "MF2")]
(set: $magicballs to $magicballs - (a: "M2"))</div>(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#b971f1))<div class="M3"><h2 class="fade">the ball says: we’re all just matter, baby</h2>
<div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/hands-3-v1.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"><div class="triangle"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/hands-3-v1-triangle.png" alt="Triangle" style="width:100%;"></div></div>(if:$attempts is 2)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake3 to (confirm: "Are you sure you don’t want this future?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake3 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 5)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake6 to (confirm: "Careful… It looks like it’s starting to leak, do you really want to keep going?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake6 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 8)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake9 to (confirm: "You’re really pushing your luck… How many shakes does this thing have left?", "stop now", "keep going"))[(if: $shake9 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else:)[(link: "shake again")[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]
(link: "pick this future")[(goto: "MF3")]
(set: $magicballs to $magicballs - (a: "M3"))</div>(enchant:?page,(background:#f4ce82))<div class="M4"><h2 class="fade">the ball says: your eyelids feel heavy - maybe take a nap?</h2>
<div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/M4.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"><div class="triangle"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/M4T.png" alt="Triangle" style="width:100%;"></div></div>(if:$attempts is 2)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake3 to (confirm: "Are you sure you don’t want this future?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake3 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 5)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake6 to (confirm: "Careful… It looks like it’s starting to leak, do you really want to keep going?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake6 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 8)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake9 to (confirm: "You’re really pushing your luck… How many shakes does this thing have left?", "stop now", "keep going"))[(if: $shake9 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else:)[(link: "shake again")[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]
(link: "pick this future")[(goto: "MF4")]
(set: $magicballs to $magicballs - (a: "M4"))</div>(enchant:?page,(background:#74867f))<div class="M5"><h2 class="fade">the ball says: going soft</h2>
<div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/M5.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"><div class="triangle"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/M5T.png" alt="Triangle" style="width:100%;"></div></div>(if:$attempts is 2)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake3 to (confirm: "Are you sure you don’t want this future?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake3 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 5)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake6 to (confirm: "Careful… It looks like it’s starting to leak, do you really want to keep going?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake6 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 8)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake9 to (confirm: "You’re really pushing your luck… How many shakes does this thing have left?", "stop now", "keep going"))[(if: $shake9 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else:)[(link: "shake again")[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]
(link: "pick this future")[(goto: "MF5")]
(set: $magicballs to $magicballs - (a: "M5"))</div>(enchant:?page,(background:#6111a4))<div class="M6"><h2 class="fade">the ball says: i can see straight through you</h2>
<div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/M6.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"><div class="triangle"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/M6T.png" alt="Triangle" style="width:100%;"></div></div>(if:$attempts is 2)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake3 to (confirm: "Are you sure you don’t want this future?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake3 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 5)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake6 to (confirm: "Careful… It looks like it’s starting to leak, do you really want to keep going?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake6 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 8)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake9 to (confirm: "You’re really pushing your luck… How many shakes does this thing have left?", "stop now", "keep going"))[(if: $shake9 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else:)[(link: "shake again")[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]
(link: "pick this future")[(goto: "MF6")]
(set: $magicballs to $magicballs - (a: "M6"))</div><div class="M7"><h2 class="fade">the ball says: got heat?</h2>
<div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/M7.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"><div class="triangle"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/M7T.png" alt="Triangle" style="width:100%;"></div></div>(if:$attempts is 2)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake3 to (confirm: "Are you sure you don’t want this future?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake3 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 5)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake6 to (confirm: "Careful… It looks like it’s starting to leak, do you really want to keep going?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake6 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 8)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake9 to (confirm: "You’re really pushing your luck… How many shakes does this thing have left?", "stop now", "keep going"))[(if: $shake9 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else:)[(link: "shake again")[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]
(link: "pick this future")[(goto: "MF7")]
(set: $magicballs to $magicballs - (a: "M7"))</div>(enchant:?page,(background:white))<div class="MF8"><h2 class="fade">the ball says: <span class="M8">from one species to another.</span></h2>
<div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/M8.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"><div class="triangle"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/M8T.png" alt="Triangle" style="width:100%;"></div></div>(if:$attempts is 2)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake3 to (confirm: "Are you sure you don’t want this future?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake3 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 5)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake6 to (confirm: "Careful… It looks like it’s starting to leak, do you really want to keep going?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake6 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 8)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake9 to (confirm: "You’re really pushing your luck… How many shakes does this thing have left?", "stop now", "keep going"))[(if: $shake9 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else:)[(link: "shake again")[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]
(link: "pick this future")[(goto: "MF8")]
(set: $magicballs to $magicballs - (a: "M8"))</div><div class="M9"><h2 class="fade">the ball says: silence reigns all around</h2>
<div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/M9.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"><div class="triangle"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/M9T.png" alt="Triangle" style="width:100%;"></div></div>(if:$attempts is 2)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake3 to (confirm: "Are you sure you don’t want this future?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake3 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 5)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake6 to (confirm: "Careful… It looks like it’s starting to leak, do you really want to keep going?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake6 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 8)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake9 to (confirm: "You’re really pushing your luck… How many shakes does this thing have left?", "stop now", "keep going"))[(if: $shake9 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else:)[(link: "shake again")[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]
(link: "pick this future")[(goto: "MF9")]
(set: $magicballs to $magicballs - (a: "M9"))</div>(enchant:?page,(background:#83ba74))<div class="M10"><h2 class="fade">the ball says: this month you’re purple</h2>
<div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/M10.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"><div class="triangle"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/M10T.png" alt="Triangle" style="width:100%;"></div></div>(if:$attempts is 2)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake3 to (confirm: "Are you sure you don’t want this future?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake3 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 5)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake6 to (confirm: "Careful… It looks like it’s starting to leak, do you really want to keep going?", "no", "yes"))[(if: $shake6 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else-if:$attempts is 8)[(link-rerun:"shake again")[(set: $shake9 to (confirm: "You’re really pushing your luck… How many shakes does this thing have left?", "stop now", "keep going"))[(if: $shake9 is true)[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]]](else:)[(link: "shake again")[(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)(goto: "L1")]]
(link: "pick this future")[(goto: "MF10")]
(set: $magicballs to $magicballs - (a: "M10"))</div>{(live: 0.5s)[(track: 'MS1', 'play')(stop: )]}(track: 'MS1', 'play')(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<div class="M1"><div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MF1.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>
{(if:$attempts is 1)[No messing about! You didn't need to test your luck again, the first future seemed good enough for you and here you are!](else-if:$attempts is 2)[It didn’t take you long to pick this future, hope you are more happy with this reality than yours?](else-if:$attempts is 3)[You feel decisive today, this ball is cool, but you’d rather settle on something over risking it too much, you made your choice.](else-if:$attempts is 4)[Here you are in the future, where are the flying cars?](else-if:$attempts is 5)[Your choice of future is very telling… You’re on your own now.](else-if:$attempts is 6)[Well, this is your reality now. Good luck!](else-if:$attempts is 7)[You probably shook the ball a few too many times, did you forget this isn't a game?](else-if:$attempts is 8)[I bet you regret not going for one of the previous futures... Was risking it worth it? Don't know, you tell me.](else-if:$attempts is 9)[Finally you made a choice... Are you usually this indecisive? Hope it was worth the gamble!](else: )[Just as the ball is about to break you finally decide to go for it! You have accepted this future and now there's no going back...]}
Storage capacity for data on the planet has reached a maximum limit, to continue providing space for online content our realities had to be reduced in specs to avoid a major crash. The physical world now exists only in 25ppi and you look like a retro videogame character, but at least you can upload more images to your social media accounts, for now.
(link:"go again?")[(restart:)]
(link: "about the game")[(goto: "About")]</div>{(live: 0.5s)[(track: 'MS2', 'play')(stop: )]}(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<div class="M2"><div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MF2.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>
{(if:$attempts is 1)[No messing about! You didn't need to test your luck again, the first future seemed good enough for you and here you are!](else-if:$attempts is 2)[It didn’t take you long to pick this future, hope you are more happy with this reality than yours?](else-if:$attempts is 3)[You feel decisive today, this ball is cool, but you’d rather settle on something over risking it too much, you made your choice.](else-if:$attempts is 4)[Here you are in the future, where are the flying cars?](else-if:$attempts is 5)[Your choice of future is very telling… You’re on your own now.](else-if:$attempts is 6)[Well, this is your reality now. Good luck!](else-if:$attempts is 7)[You probably shook the ball a few too many times, did you forget this isn't a game?](else-if:$attempts is 8)[I bet you regret not going for one of the previous futures... Was risking it worth it? Don't know, you tell me.](else-if:$attempts is 9)[Finally you made a choice... Are you usually this indecisive? Hope it was worth the gamble!](else: )[Just as the ball is about to break you finally decide to go for it! You have accepted this future and now there's no going back...]}
It turns out that you are a draft. We all are. Just a sketch, a simulation, a test, by someone trying to create a world populated by intelligent beings.
Sadly, they’re not very happy with the achievements of their creations so far, and may any day decide to pull the plug on the whole experiment altogether.
Hope their next try turns out better.
(link:"go again?")[(restart:)]
(link: "about the game")[(goto: "About")]</div>{(live: 0.5s)[(track: 'MS3', 'play')(stop: )]}(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<div class="M3"><div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MF3.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>
{(if:$attempts is 1)[No messing about! You didn't need to test your luck again, the first future seemed good enough for you and here you are!](else-if:$attempts is 2)[It didn’t take you long to pick this future, hope you are more happy with this reality than yours?](else-if:$attempts is 3)[You feel decisive today, this ball is cool, but you’d rather settle on something over risking it too much, you made your choice.](else-if:$attempts is 4)[Here you are in the future, where are the flying cars?](else-if:$attempts is 5)[Your choice of future is very telling… You’re on your own now.](else-if:$attempts is 6)[Well, this is your reality now. Good luck!](else-if:$attempts is 7)[You probably shook the ball a few too many times, did you forget this isn't a game?](else-if:$attempts is 8)[I bet you regret not going for one of the previous futures... Was risking it worth it? Don't know, you tell me.](else-if:$attempts is 9)[Finally you made a choice... Are you usually this indecisive? Hope it was worth the gamble!](else: )[Just as the ball is about to break you finally decide to go for it! You have accepted this future and now there's no going back...]}
As collectivity and collective approaches gain momentum against individualism and individually-centred practices, humans begin to fully realise and perceive the world around them as the carbon matter that they themselves are composed of.
Enabling a symbiotic relationship between all things human and non-human, we now visualise everything as the basic atoms they are composed of, creating a sense of closeness and wholeness with the things we interact with.
(link:"go again?")[(restart:)]
(link: "about the game")[(goto: "About")]</div>{(live: 0.5s)[(track: 'MS4', 'play')(stop: )]}(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<div class="M4"><div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MF4.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>
{(if:$attempts is 1)[No messing about! You didn't need to test your luck again, the first future seemed good enough for you and here you are!](else-if:$attempts is 2)[It didn’t take you long to pick this future, hope you are more happy with this reality than yours?](else-if:$attempts is 3)[You feel decisive today, this ball is cool, but you’d rather settle on something over risking it too much, you made your choice.](else-if:$attempts is 4)[Here you are in the future, where are the flying cars?](else-if:$attempts is 5)[Your choice of future is very telling… You’re on your own now.](else-if:$attempts is 6)[Well, this is your reality now. Good luck!](else-if:$attempts is 7)[You probably shook the ball a few too many times, did you forget this isn't a game?](else-if:$attempts is 8)[I bet you regret not going for one of the previous futures... Was risking it worth it? Don't know, you tell me.](else-if:$attempts is 9)[Finally you made a choice... Are you usually this indecisive? Hope it was worth the gamble!](else: )[Just as the ball is about to break you finally decide to go for it! You have accepted this future and now there's no going back...]}
Time to start your night shift!
To make ends meet, new technologies now allow you to work in your unconscious hours.
Sleeping has never been so tiring!
(link:"go again?")[(restart:)]
(link: "about the game")[(goto: "About")]</div>{(live: 0.5s)[(track: 'MS5', 'play')(stop: )]}(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<div class="M5"><div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MF5.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>
{(if:$attempts is 1)[No messing about! You didn't need to test your luck again, the first future seemed good enough for you and here you are!](else-if:$attempts is 2)[It didn’t take you long to pick this future, hope you are more happy with this reality than yours?](else-if:$attempts is 3)[You feel decisive today, this ball is cool, but you’d rather settle on something over risking it too much, you made your choice.](else-if:$attempts is 4)[Here you are in the future, where are the flying cars?](else-if:$attempts is 5)[Your choice of future is very telling… You’re on your own now.](else-if:$attempts is 6)[Well, this is your reality now. Good luck!](else-if:$attempts is 7)[You probably shook the ball a few too many times, did you forget this isn't a game?](else-if:$attempts is 8)[I bet you regret not going for one of the previous futures... Was risking it worth it? Don't know, you tell me.](else-if:$attempts is 9)[Finally you made a choice... Are you usually this indecisive? Hope it was worth the gamble!](else: )[Just as the ball is about to break you finally decide to go for it! You have accepted this future and now there's no going back...]}
Past a certain temperature mark on a warming planet, solids stop behaving in predictable ways. Objects have gone soft and mushy… You can't walk fast. Machines stop working. Buildings bend over. It is the end of efficiency as you know it.
(link:"go again?")[(restart:)]
(link: "about the game")[(goto: "About")]</div>{(live: 0.5s)[(track: 'MS6', 'play')(stop: )]}(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<div class="M6"><div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MF6.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>
{(if:$attempts is 1)[No messing about! You didn't need to test your luck again, the first future seemed good enough for you and here you are!](else-if:$attempts is 2)[It didn’t take you long to pick this future, hope you are more happy with this reality than yours?](else-if:$attempts is 3)[You feel decisive today, this ball is cool, but you’d rather settle on something over risking it too much, you made your choice.](else-if:$attempts is 4)[Here you are in the future, where are the flying cars?](else-if:$attempts is 5)[Your choice of future is very telling… You’re on your own now.](else-if:$attempts is 6)[Well, this is your reality now. Good luck!](else-if:$attempts is 7)[You probably shook the ball a few too many times, did you forget this isn't a game?](else-if:$attempts is 8)[I bet you regret not going for one of the previous futures... Was risking it worth it? Don't know, you tell me.](else-if:$attempts is 9)[Finally you made a choice... Are you usually this indecisive? Hope it was worth the gamble!](else: )[Just as the ball is about to break you finally decide to go for it! You have accepted this future and now there's no going back...]}
After it became too hot to live on land, humans moved deeper and deeper underwater, thanks to artificially induced mutations.
Eventually losing all pigmentation and becoming translucent. Hope you have lovely bones.
(link:"go again?")[(restart:)]
(link: "about the game")[(goto: "About")]</div>{(live: 0.5s)[(track: 'MS7', 'play')(stop: )]}(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<div class="M7"><div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MF7.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>
{(if:$attempts is 1)[No messing about! You didn't need to test your luck again, the first future seemed good enough for you and here you are!](else-if:$attempts is 2)[It didn’t take you long to pick this future, hope you are more happy with this reality than yours?](else-if:$attempts is 3)[You feel decisive today, this ball is cool, but you’d rather settle on something over risking it too much, you made your choice.](else-if:$attempts is 4)[Here you are in the future, where are the flying cars?](else-if:$attempts is 5)[Your choice of future is very telling… You’re on your own now.](else-if:$attempts is 6)[Well, this is your reality now. Good luck!](else-if:$attempts is 7)[You probably shook the ball a few too many times, did you forget this isn't a game?](else-if:$attempts is 8)[I bet you regret not going for one of the previous futures... Was risking it worth it? Don't know, you tell me.](else-if:$attempts is 9)[Finally you made a choice... Are you usually this indecisive? Hope it was worth the gamble!](else: )[Just as the ball is about to break you finally decide to go for it! You have accepted this future and now there's no going back...]}
Since a quadrillionaire bought exclusive rights to the sun, heat became a currency, infrared goggles are now a standard instrument for everyday life, especially for those wanting to find opportunities to make a few Celsius on the side.
(link:"go again?")[(restart:)]
(link: "about the game")[(goto: "About")]</div>{(live: 0.5s)[(track: 'MS8', 'play')(stop: )]}(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<div class="MF8"><div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MF8.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>
{(if:$attempts is 1)[No messing about! You didn't need to test your luck again, the first future seemed good enough for you and here you are!](else-if:$attempts is 2)[It didn’t take you long to pick this future, hope you are more happy with this reality than yours?](else-if:$attempts is 3)[You feel decisive today, this ball is cool, but you’d rather settle on something over risking it too much, you made your choice.](else-if:$attempts is 4)[Here you are in the future, where are the flying cars?](else-if:$attempts is 5)[Your choice of future is very telling… You’re on your own now.](else-if:$attempts is 6)[Well, this is your reality now. Good luck!](else-if:$attempts is 7)[You probably shook the ball a few too many times, did you forget this isn't a game?](else-if:$attempts is 8)[I bet you regret not going for one of the previous futures... Was risking it worth it? Don't know, you tell me.](else-if:$attempts is 9)[Finally you made a choice... Are you usually this indecisive? Hope it was worth the gamble!](else: )[Just as the ball is about to break you finally decide to go for it! You have accepted this future and now there's no going back...]}
Human to non-human relations are enabled by a specially created language, understood and expressed by all.
Realising all ancestral knowledge of our relation with nature had been lost due to over-reliance on digitally stored information, we once again learnt to care for more-than-humans. Will this new form of communication shift our anthropocentric view?
(link:"go again?")[(restart:)]
(link: "about the game")[(goto: "About")]</div>{(live: 0.5s)[(track: 'MS9', 'play')(stop: )]}(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<div class="M9"><div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MF9.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>
{(if:$attempts is 1)[No messing about! You didn't need to test your luck again, the first future seemed good enough for you and here you are!](else-if:$attempts is 2)[It didn’t take you long to pick this future, hope you are more happy with this reality than yours?](else-if:$attempts is 3)[You feel decisive today, this ball is cool, but you’d rather settle on something over risking it too much, you made your choice.](else-if:$attempts is 4)[Here you are in the future, where are the flying cars?](else-if:$attempts is 5)[Your choice of future is very telling… You’re on your own now.](else-if:$attempts is 6)[Well, this is your reality now. Good luck!](else-if:$attempts is 7)[You probably shook the ball a few too many times, did you forget this isn't a game?](else-if:$attempts is 8)[I bet you regret not going for one of the previous futures... Was risking it worth it? Don't know, you tell me.](else-if:$attempts is 9)[Finally you made a choice... Are you usually this indecisive? Hope it was worth the gamble!](else: )[Just as the ball is about to break you finally decide to go for it! You have accepted this future and now there's no going back...]}
Due to excessive noise pollution in ever denser cities, humans have lost their sense of hearing. You can feel the vibration of passing bodies and machines, but hear nothing.
(link:"go again?")[(restart:)]
(link: "about the game")[(goto: "About")]</div>{(live: 0.5s)[(track: 'MS10', 'play')(stop: )]}(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<div class="M10"><div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MF10.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>
{(if:$attempts is 1)[No messing about! You didn't need to test your luck again, the first future seemed good enough for you and here you are!](else-if:$attempts is 2)[It didn’t take you long to pick this future, hope you are more happy with this reality than yours?](else-if:$attempts is 3)[You feel decisive today, this ball is cool, but you’d rather settle on something over risking it too much, you made your choice.](else-if:$attempts is 4)[Here you are in the future, where are the flying cars?](else-if:$attempts is 5)[Your choice of future is very telling… You’re on your own now.](else-if:$attempts is 6)[Well, this is your reality now. Good luck!](else-if:$attempts is 7)[You probably shook the ball a few too many times, did you forget this isn't a game?](else-if:$attempts is 8)[I bet you regret not going for one of the previous futures... Was risking it worth it? Don't know, you tell me.](else-if:$attempts is 9)[Finally you made a choice... Are you usually this indecisive? Hope it was worth the gamble!](else: )[Just as the ball is about to break you finally decide to go for it! You have accepted this future and now there's no going back...]}
To improve efficiency, citizens are categorised in six colour groups, with rotating time schedules four hours apart. Purple day starts at 4pm!
(link:"go again?")[(restart:)]
(link: "about the game")[(goto: "About")]</div>{(live: 0.5s)[(track: 'MS0', 'play')(stop: )]}(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MF0.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>You haven’t got time for games on speculation and what ifs… You don’t need to add more chaos to your life right now…
It’s just a random gimmick for kids and superstitious insecure people… Right?
(link:"go again?")[(restart:)]
(link: "about the game")[(goto: "About")]{(live: 0.5s)[(track: 'MS11', 'play')(stop: )]}<div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/MF11.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>You’ve pushed your luck, the ball is broken and now you're stuck in this reality.
That might not be such a bad thing, but you’ll never know really.
You continue your journey through this world, now knowing that others exist, is it unsettling or comforting to know that things could turn out for the better somewhere, somewhen?
(link:"go again?")[(restart:)]
(link: "about the game")[(goto: "About")](track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<h2>The ball doesn't show anything... What to do?</h2>
<div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/hands-0-v1.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>(t8n-arrive:"rumble")+(t8n-time:0.5s)[[shake it->L1]]
[[leave it->MF0]]{(live: 0.5s)[(track: 'MSI1', 'play')(stop: )]}(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<h2>One Saturday morning…</h2><div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/I1.1.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>You duck out to the corner shop for some anchovy paste, and notice that the usual rubbish pile next to your front door smells worse than usual…
Curiosity gets the better of you, what's creating that putrid stench?
Next to a bag of seemingly rotting organic waste, you notice something shiny and black.
It's a magic 8 ball toy, like the one your old neighbour used to have, but this one says ‘9’ instead of ‘8’
[[you put it in your bag… harmless fun right?->I2]]
[[you leave it, no thank you.->MF0]]{(live: 0.5s)[(track: 'MSI2', 'play')(stop: )]}(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<h2>It’s the only free weekend you’ve had in 3 months…</h2><div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/I1.2.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>You're finally available to help clear your parents' basement from your childhood belongings. After spending most of the afternoon recovering stickers from the back of your Goosebumps books, and really getting nothing else done, you decide to pick up the pace and start haphazardly shoving anything you see into cardboard boxes.
As you are making your way out you realise that you didn't tape the bottom of the box, which opens dramatically almost breaking a toe with a lava lamp.
As the pile of objects rests at your feet you hear the sound of something bouncing and notice a black ball rolling away.
You dash over to stop it before it wedges itself under a piece of furniture and you realise it is one of those future telling 8-balls that used to be so popular a few decades ago.
Strange… You really don't remember owning one of these, and it also seems to say 9 instead of 8 on it, probably a knockoff… Maybe it was your cousin's?
[[see if it still works->I2]]
[[put it back in the box, better get this over with->MF0]]{(live: 0.5s)[(track: 'MSI3', 'play')(stop: )]}(track: 'StandardButton', 'play')<h2>On your way back from work on a Friday night…</h2><div class="container"><img src="https://projektado.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/I1.3.png" alt="Background" style="width:100%;"></div>Your local organic fruit and veg shop closed early, so you’ve ended up in the weird ‘everything’ store that you have always been a bit curious to go into… But haven’t ever really had an excuse… Now you do!
You hit up the fresh produce section, as you are in need of some ingredients for the vegan curry you promised you’d bring to the dinner party you’re attending tonight.
Poking around the aubergines, you feel something a bit harder than you expect… Is this one made of plastic?
You pull it out and it seems to be a magic ‘9’ ball - a sphere with a small window… Is it filled with water?
You gather the missing ingredients, along with the mystery ball… And when you try to return the ball, the shop owner looks confused…
“Just keep it”
[[no, thank you->MF0]]